In the digital age, are you still a book-lover finding comfort at the library? Well, the Academia aesthetic can bring out your intellectual self through your fashion sense. Here’s how to achieve it:

What is the Academia Aesthetic all about?

Dark and Light Academia aesthetics are branches of the Social Media Subcultures evolved through Tik Tok and similar social media platforms.

cover dark academia Guide to the Perfect Academia Aesthetic: Fashion through Arts & Education
via bluechords, melightmarnieee and maevaeatsbooks on Instagram

Generation Z in particular are fond of this aesthetic, which deals with giving limelight to higher education, specifically the Arts, Humanities and Literature (which are subjects known for not yielding much respect amongst the general public because of its lack in monetary benefits).

History of Academia

The elements and aesthetics of Academia has its origins from elite education of Europe. Quite frankly, studying poetry and writing was only accessible to the kids of the aristocracy at the time.

Thus we also see these outfits often having the backdrop of colleges and institutions having Greek and Gothic inspired architecture.

Wait, this seems very restricted and discriminatory? Well, it WAS. The original Academia education was available to a specific set of people, yet the generation today adopts it regardless of their ethnicity and race, thus making the aesthetic more inclusive than ever.

Colors in Academia: Light and Dark

Academia speaks sophistication, and could very well be a synonym for no-nonsense knowledge. Colours is where the distinction in Light and Dark Academia is truly seen. Earthy tones are seen throughout the aesthetic, referring to their inculcation of knowledge.

Dark Academia has tans, blacks and brown colors at play. In a literary sense, Dark Academia focuses on the questions meant to be cynical: the meaning of life, death and everything in between.

The counterpart, Light Academia, has light ochre, beige, and white as it’s representative colours. Unlike the dark side, Light Academia gives importance to the optimistic virtues: romanticism, godly words and making life more meaningful.

Since Dark Academia is the popular one of the two, the following inspirations are tuned to it. However, the same pieces can be bought in a light fabric for Light Academia. 

Phew, now that we have got the theory out of the way, here are the ways to actually embody the Academia aesthetic for yourself through your clothes:

Fabrics and Prints

Luxury fabrics work great with this aesthetic, think wool, linen or Egyptian cotton.

If you do not have access to such fabrics on the daily, one can always have a look at thrift stores. What a 60 year old grandma left there might just fit your aesthetic with a few altercations.


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