Images and Article from www.glamour.com.
Is your head still spinning after watching that insane episode of The Bachelor: Women Tell All? I’d recap it, but I honestly have no idea how to describe everything that went down. Shanae continued to drive all the women crazy. The women all yelled at Shanae. Clayton looked like a sad puppy dog. And host Jesse Palmer seemed hilariously embarrassed by the throwback footage of him from his season of The Bachelor.
And while the episode was truly bananas, the last few minutes were the most shocking of all, with Teddi alluding to some major shit that goes down in the finale and Palmer himself admitting that he has no idea what’s going to happen.
So, ahead of the fantasy suite dates (which airs tonight, March 8) and before next week’s two-night finale, the new Bachelor host and I chatted about what’s in store for Clayton and why he’s not sure if Shanae’s journey has truly ended with The Bachelor.
Palmer with Echard.
Craig Sjodin/ABC
Glamour: Well, Jesse, after hosting your very first Women Tell All, do you regret taking this job?
Jesse Palmer: I don’t know where I am right now. [Laughs.] What’s crazy is I’ve done this before as the Bachelor. I was there, and I remember that seat being hot, but not like tonight. I wasn’t prepared for how wild it was going to get. It was insanity at times. I also had no idea it was this long of a day, really. Watching them all these years, I thought, Two-hour show, no problem. Just rip through those interviews. Now I have a whole newfound appreciation for this. Women Tell All is no joke.
There’s so much that’s changed since your season. It’s the same show, but also a completely different show. Does it feel different to you?
Article shared from www.glamour.com