Sick of constantly tweezing, waxing, threading, or trimming your eyebrows? Jodie Turner-Smith has the ultimate low-maintenance hack: just shave ’em off.

“Bye bye brows,” the Queen & Slim star wrote on Instagram Stories on March 23 on a picture of herself in a trailer having her brows shaved off by a masked helper. (The story is no longer live but you can check out the picture here.) Looks like she’s changing up her look for a role; according to IMDb she has two productions currently filming: the sequel to Netflix’s comedy Murder Mystery, and a drama series called Bad Monkey in which she plays a character called Dragon Queen. We’d guess the Dragon Queen is most likely to require a no-brows look, but that’s just speculation on our end.

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Brows or no brows, it seems she will always get adoring looks from her husband Joshua Jackson. On Thursday, March 24, she posted a picture of him gazing at her lovingly. Okay, Jodie! We get it! You’re the luckiest! We’re the muckiest!


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