Feeling a little lackluster lately? Chances are if you’ve been prolonging your look with stylers and skipping the normal self-care, it’s beginning to take a toll on your hair color. Now more than ever, it is important to take care of your hair color between appointments to ensure the optimal outcome and longevity. Read on for a few of our favorite at-home cures or in-salon updates you can make to refresh color.
Get A Gloss
A gloss, also known as a a “toner” or “semi-permanent color” is a great way to instantly refresh color. The process is generally quicker than a full color service and can be done at the shampoo bowl for ease. Book this add-on with a cut or blowout or as a standalone service if time is of the essence. From correcting unwanted tones to adding shine, your stylist can mix up a bespoke formula tailored to your exact needs.
A Proper Cleanse
Deep cleanse hair to rid it of build-up from dry shampoo, conditioners, and styling products. While the goal is to deep cleanse the hair, when doing this make sure that you’re using a color-safe formula. Keune Care Tinta Color Shampoo and Conditioner. When shampooing many of us concentrate on the front sections in haste, instead pay attention to the entire scalp area and reapply product when necessary to ensure a proper cleanse.
Hydrate Inside & Out
While it can be difficult to reach the 8 cups/day minimum everyone should aim for, increasing daily water intake has a positive outcome on more than just your health. By increasing your H2O you’ll also notice stronger strands and more plump skin. In addition to drinking more water, adding hydrating products to your beauty routine will increase the effects. Adding a weekly mask, like Keune Care Vital Nutrition Mask, is a great place to start to nourish the hair, however, to increase hydration consider a leave-in treatment that protects against the loss of moisture. Try: Keune So Pure Moisturizing Treatment to add moisture and repair against damage from external stressors.
Protect Against Heat
Exposing strands to heat sans protection can cause undue damage to the cuticle, leading to a dull color. When the cuticle is damaged, it doesn’t lay flat — resulting in less shiny locks. Additionally, strands won’t hold onto moisture and will be unruly to manage. Whenever you’re considering heat styling your hair, the most important thing you can do is add a heat protectant. We recommend Keune Style Instant Blowout No. 37, a heat protectant that guards against elements while also speeding up your blowout.