Images and Article from youlookfab.com.
Who else remembers wearing light blue with black in the late ‘90s? I do. I wore lots of light blue denim with a black support act. Light blue suiting with a black top, or black suiting with a light blue top. I also wore light blue with white. These days I don’t wear black, but simply substitute it with dark blue. That works well too.
Combining light denim jeans and shorts with black tops, or light denim shirts and jackets with black bottoms is probably the easiest way to wear the look. You can wear a light denim skirt or dress with black footwear, or sport a light blue and black pattern. A light blue sweatshirt with black leggings is another way to go, as is a light blue Spring tweed jacket with a black layering top. A shirt with narrow blue and white stripes gives the illusion of light blue from a distance. Wear that with black bottoms and you’re wearing the vibe too. Here are some examples.
I liked this combination on the model below. It combines a light blue jacket with a black layering top. Instead of light blue or white jeans, or black bottoms, the model wears a fluid pair of cropped and pleated high-waisted pants in a warm shade of caramel. The black loafers effectively pick up the black of the top and bookend the model’s hair. To my eye the mix of cool-toned black and light blue works well with the earthy and warm caramel pants. The tortoiseshell button on the blazer brings together the warm and cool colours in a subtle way too. I see a black or caramel bag to complete the look. Lovely!
I’m almost always in the mood to wear light blue with white and/or dark blue in the Spring and Summer. Are you in the mood to wear black with light blue?
Article shared from youlookfab.com