Your weekly horoscope has arrived. This week sails off the back of Sunday’s full moon and into pleasure-seeking as the sun moves into hedonist Taurus. Add a practical element by stabilizing foundations and doing the groundwork for long-term growth. Think like a farmer, till the soil, plant the seeds, tend the sprouts, and enjoy nature’s sensual gifts. Your body is your vessel, steer it wisely and enjoy the ride!
Read your weekly horoscope below to discover what’s in store for your sign during April 17 through April 23, 2022.
And that’s a wrap as the sun moves out of your sign midweek, taking up residence in your financial zone. This is already an area you’re best advised to lay long-term plans. Your options, bright ideas, and sudden opportunities are lit up, so notice. If you have a vision or concrete goals, you’re more likely to head in that direction and eventually find yourself there; create a map. Define your top values and what personal resources you have that you’re ready and willing to mine in exchange for work. Or to build on what you have for yourself rather than in exchange. This may be a slower route, but it could pay off more in the end.
Happy birthday Taurus! Your solar season starts on Wednesday, so this month’s themes reflect your sign; abundance and celebrating the rebirth of life as Spring takes hold. Warm up and get out into nature, make a big cook-up and invite all your favorites. If you indulged in the candy fest otherwise known as Easter, it’s time to fill your kitchen with organic produce (where possible), broths, and vegetable juices from midweek. You can still be a gourmand and maintain your health for many more seasons!
Midweek it’s time to wind down your social side, at least somewhat, and move into rest and digest mode. This is your time to recharge since it’s the month preceding your birthday. And since your birthday marks the next evolution of your identity, confidence, and life force, it’s essential to cocoon, ready for the next cycle. Clock up a few extra zzz’s, and eat grounding, warming, and wholesome food. Meditation, as well as journaling and reflection, are essential. Go within rather than chase external stimuli.