Important breaking news: Anne Hathaway has revealed her fave costume from The Devil Wears Prada. Or, more precisely, the Oscar-winning actor shared which costume from the film is the most Anne Hathaway look, which definitely counts as her favorite look, right? In Interview magazine‘s cover story, Hathaway answered questions from fans and friends (of the famous variety). Fashion designer Michael Kors asked Anne Hathaway which costume from The Devil Wears Prada is the most Anne, not Andy (her character from the endlessly rewatchable 2006 film).
“Michael Kors and I used to live in the same building. We had the most fun lobby in New York at the time,” Hathaway said by way of explaining their friendship. “But it’s a chicken-and-egg question, because what I think of as my style is so influenced by getting to work with Patricia Field and having conversations with her about how to put outfits together. But I love what I wore to the James Hoult party, that velvet Chanel coat that went to the knees, and then the miniskirt and the stockings and the slouched boots. I think it was a sample because I kept finding straight pins in it.”
So…it’s the Chanel, but not the Chanel boots outfit, that has become one of the internet’s best memes.
©20thCentFox/Courtesy Everett Collection
For the interview, Anne Hathaway also spoke to fashion designer Marc Jacobs, who asked her if there’s anything she regrets wearing.
“There was this one time where I was very young and dressed myself for an event, and I stepped onto a red carpet and did not know my dress was see-through, and I wasn’t wearing a bra,” she said. “It was a very long carpet, and at no point did any of the people in that wall of photographers stop to give me a heads-up or offer me a jacket. I’m not naive. I don’t expect that, but it’s something I would do for another person if I saw it. And so I would erase that, just because it sucked.”