If there’s been a rift within your family, this month will allow you to gain clarity from stepping outside of the usual parameters and saying how you truly feel. Remember, insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. In terms of love this month? Why not try being the one who takes initiative, and see how things pan out.
May 2022
Four of Wands: Oh, my, Aquarius. If you’ve been waiting for the feeling of alignment to take place in your life, May is it! You are going to be blessed with connections and opportunities of all kind that just fit. You could also be stepping into reaching your health goals (physically, mentally, emotionally) that you’ve been working on. Try to treat yourself well this month, and your external reality will mirror that back to you. An example could be that once you have proper work-life balance, you will find love. Once you start treating your body well with foods and movement that feel good to it, you will attract healthy friendships. The possibilities for you are endless over the next few weeks.
If you’ve also been struggling to work through past pain, know that you are safe to do so now. You may have an opportunity to go on a retreat, vacation, or getaway that will leave you feeling more safe and supported than ever before. Open your heart to the possibility of living without this heavy pain, and you may like what’s on the other side of this perspective shift.
April 2022
The Hierophant: Tradition, commitment, dedication…these words may all spark a bit of fear inside of you, Aquarius, but they are all simply rooted in consistency. If you can create a healthy relationship with consistency and look at it as a long-term investment rather than boredom or lack of freedom, then you will, funny enough, be set free. You’ve struggled so long to keep things lively and spontaneous, but your spirit is asking you to create a relationship to stillness. What is it that you truly fear will resurface when you don’t keep yourself excessively busy or distracted? If you can get to the bottom of this and ask those inner demons to sit down at the table and have a cup of tea with you, you’ll see that they weren’t so big and scary to begin with. However, running away from them will only cause them to scream more loudly until you finally pay them some attention.
You could also see some big changes happening within your family (either your family of origin or your chosen family)—perhaps a marriage, pregnancy, or big move for someone. Make sure that you are reacting from a place of love when the news is shared with you. You won’t want to have to explain yourself for years to come. And remember, your time will come someday to be the one looking for others’ support, so try to be supportive while you’re being confided in, my water bearers. You are, of course, the ones holding it all together for the rest of us!
March 2022
The Star: My dearest water-bearing Aquarians, you are being blessed in the month of March with something you have wished for for a very long time. There were many nights where the world felt like a dark, bleak, and even hopeless space, but you will start to see the light at the end of this long tunnel as your blessing arrives in the form of wealth. This could be financial wealth or wealth of the heart—only you will know what you’ve been hoping for all of these years. If you’ve recently struggled with self-acceptance, you will start to make breakthroughs in your confidence and finally let go of long-standing insecurities. No longer will you feel plagued with self-doubt, reclusion, or distrust of others. You will find that the people you surround yourself with will be more supportive and inclusive with you than ever before. So much of your life will begin shifting that you may not recognize the version of you that ends this month!