This month you are being called to connect your mind, body, and spirit to become impenetrable to other people’s negativity. There seems to be someone in your life that projects their insecurity onto others—yourself included. Now is the time to take action behind the scenes so you can strengthen your defenses and make sure that you are living with clarity and no longer feeling bogged down by their “rain cloud” behavior. This could include meditation, counseling, art classes, exercise, chess, or another form of skill building. Once you feel connected to yourself, you will have better discernment on who you want to connect with externally. June gloom, be gone, Capricorn!
May 2022
Ace of Pentacles: Wowza! If May is going to be abundant for any zodiac placement, it is going to be for Capricorn. Now, this doesn’t mean that life is going to turn into a rainbow- and butterfly-filled world run by toxic positivity—quite the opposite. You are going to notice that you have a greater capacity to deal with stress, confusion, conflict, and frustration than ever before. This is due to your practicing patience. And if this isn’t quite where you’re at, May will be the month to jump on the train of emotional intelligence training. You will benefit from being more vulnerable with those closest to you, sharing in both the really good and the really difficult times and asking for support in both.
Have you been struggling with organization in your home or schedule? I suggest implementing daily routines that can keep you on track. Something as simple as leaving a journal on your nightstand and checking in with yourself each morning and evening will help you to finally feel present and purposeful again. This energy will seep out into every other aspect of your life, getting you noticed at work in a new way, and potentially even receiving financial gain as you start to embody this new, organized, and present version of yourself! Don’t give up, Cap, you’re about to reach the top of the mountain very soon!
April 2022
Six of Swords: My lovely Capricorn, the month of April is going to bring you from dark clouds into bright, shiny days. You are leaving behind an environment—whether external or internal—that has kept you feeling small for far too long. Once you acknowledge how little this space (or frame of mind) is serving you, you will finally be able to let it go and move onto something far more aligned. I’m seeing some of you breaking out of old habits of being avoidant or fearful of vulnerability. Find people and communities that make you feel like you can trust and rely on other people. You do not need to be hyper-independent in order to avoid getting hurt, you simply need to find loving people to surround yourself with.
For others, you may be releasing a job or a home environment this month that is holding you back from living your life more authentically. Pat yourself on the back for all of the moments you’ve made it through difficult times in the past so you can reassure yourself that you can, in fact, do difficult things now. Change is always a tiny bit scary when it starts, but you’ve got this! You will see great results by the end of the year on your long-term goals if you can utilize the month of April for aligned change and transformation, Cap!
March 2022
The Chariot: My dearest Capricorn, you are moving forward at high speeds this month, and the only thing that can slow you down is you. If you are constantly getting in your own way with self-doubt and bad habits, your progress will be marred with unnecessary disappointment. You are being called to ask for help this month, as this may be something that you’ve struggled deeply with in the past. There are so many people around you that would be willing to lend a helping hand in your journey, but they don’t know that you need assistance until you ask. If you’re done with suffering in silence, you will be quickly met with compassion and support.