If you’ve felt like you’re falling behind on certain goals, March will wake you back up with a newfound passion for your journey. You will not only experience inspiration, but finally start to act on it in a way that eventually leaves you feeling fulfilled. Your goals are not unattainable—you were simply focusing too intently on the challenges along the pathway there. It’s time to zoom out and reconsider how to get there, even if it feels like you’re regressing at first. Instead of feeling challenged by life, start to challenge yourself by picking up a side gig, going back to school, or challenging yourself with a healthier daily routine. Take control back on your life and how you choose to grow this month. You may be pleasantly surprised with the outcome by the time April rolls around.
February 2022
The High Priestess: My dear lions, the month of February is going to be one that brings insight, deeper self-awareness, and a truly monumental aha moment for you. You may have been struggling to connect deeply with others, and this is due to a disconnection from yourself. With your harsh inner judgment, tendency to numb your emotions, and extremely high expectations for yourself, where would there be room for your raw, real, messy self to shine? The answer: There hasn’t been enough room—not even close.
Your spirit and potential are too big to fit inside of the small box that you’ve allotted for yourself to live within. Imagine a lion trapped in a circus cage. Now imagine the way you’ve let yourself live life. This month will be all about getting messy. I could see some of you throwing clay, digging in the dirt, letting your hair down, screaming, splattering paint on a canvas, or acting out a scene that feels totally feral in nature. Allow yourself to really roar in February, and the right people will hear it…and love it. Not sure where to start? The rituals on self-love and prosperity from Abiola Abrams’s masterpiece African Goddess Initiation are an option if you need further assistance on your ascended path.
January 2022
The Devil: Lions, use January to clean out the closet of bad habits, overactive thoughts, and patterns that you’re ready to break. This month is less about what you’re going to get and more about what you’re letting go of. If you find it easy to point out the issues with the way that other people behave, look, or live their lives, then January is holding up a big, clean mirror for you to look back at yourself. Your tendencies—whether you’ve masked them as being helpful, insightful, or all-knowing—have come to see their final days.
If you continue to run away from your fears and secrets, they will only grow bigger and stronger. So ask yourself: What do I think or do in my daily life that holds me back from being truly happy or vulnerable with the people around me? Am I willing to let these habits go in order to cultivate deeper and more meaningful relationships? Some of you may be going on a retreat, or starting a different healing container (therapy, group therapy, somatic healing, acupuncture, etc.) in order to help yourself heal. There is no shame in asking other people for help, especially if you’ve found yourself being the helper/healer recently for everyone else! Let’s start this new year off self-aware and ready to be truly vulnerable.