Your weekly horoscope has arrived. There’s no sugarcoating the intense, passionate, and 100% boss full moon vibes served by Wednesday’s full moon. Ambition is an understatement so get in touch with yours. Clashing boundaries, power, and independence make for high drama and torrid twitter storms, so back away slowly, cool off, and take any tension as a cue to check in with yourself and ask what’s up. Aim for new, innovative solutions, self-acceptance, love, and communication; they’ll get you everywhere.
Read your weekly horoscope to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of July 10 through July 16, 2022.
This Wednesday’s full moon sets up a challenge as professional and domestic life seem to impinge on your sense of self and direction. Old wounds around identity and just being yourself may be triggered, so take it in your stride. It will pass; take the enlightenment as an opportunity to deal with whatever is revealed. Take a step back rather than rush into confrontations. Consider if it’s even your fight, or would you be better served to do your research and find compassion around an issue that’s been triggered or revealed? Watch for power plays at work and consider stepping up yours if you’ve been holding back.
A social week is brewing, so be prepared for all the big topics. Discussions and internet rabbit holes could lead you into thorny territory, so keep your poker face set. You might have an aha moment if you dig deep and long enough. If you’re searching for practical solutions and understanding the root of a problem in terms of the big picture, this is your week. Balance with real-world, compassionate connection locally, in your own way with friends and community. Your path forward could take a quantum leap or open up in a way that feels destined, so embrace revelation and opportunity and go for it.