The questions
1 Whose jar became a box after a mistranslation by Erasmus?
2 Charlotte Prodger, in 2018, was the last individual winner of what?
3 Which house is known as the Palace of the Peak?
4 A 1933 obscenity trial was United States v One Book Called … what?
5 What is the shortest street on the London Monopoly board?
6 Which saint is said to have taken Christianity to India?
7 Which area of the Atlantic is named after seaweed?
8 Trinitrotoluene is better known by what abbreviation?
What links:
9 Airports; a sushi restaurant; the masses; the royal fireworks?
10 Braithwaite; Doom; Boggis, Bunce and Bean; Jones; Oak?
11 Calicut; Damascus; Mosul; Nanjing; Nîmes?
12 Chimera; sheela na gig; hunky punk?
13 Robin Hood’s Bay, North Yorkshire; St Bees, Cumbria?
14 Bunraku; kabuki; kyogen; noh?
15 Andrew Johnson; Chester Arthur; Theodore Roosevelt; Lyndon B Johnson?
The answers
1 Pandora (in Greek myth).
2 Turner prize (cancelled or shared since).
3 Chatsworth.
4 Ulysses.
5 Vine Street.
6 Saint Thomas.
7 Sargasso Sea (after sargassum).
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8 TNT (explosive).
9 Music for … titles: Brian Eno album; Harry Styles song; Depeche Mode album; Handel work.
10 Fictional farm owners: Worzel Gummidge stories; Cold Comfort Farm; Fantastic Mr Fox; Animal Farm; Far From the Madding Crowd.
11 Places giving their names to fabrics: calico; damask; muslin; nankeen; denim.
12 Types of architectural grotesque.
13 Ends of Alfred Wainwright’s Coast to Coast walk.
14 Japanese traditional forms of theatre.
15 US presidents after assassinations: Lincoln; Garfield; McKinley; Kennedy.