It’s a lucky girl who can share jeans with her mom. It’s an even luckier one who can share a jeans campaign. For Lila Moss, daughter of supermodel Kate Moss, that means putting her own spin on mom’s iconic Calvin Klein jeans campaign.
Thirty years ago in 1992, a fresh-faced Kate posed topless in CK pants, looking innocent yet moody in the black-and-white shots. It was one of a few campaigns Moss did for the brand, including the famous “wet look” photos for the Obsession perfume, and a shoot with Mark Wahlberg that was apparently pretty unpleasant. Moss later recalled, “I had a nervous breakdown when I was 17 or 18, when I had to go and work with Marky Mark and Herb Ritts. It didn’t feel like me at all. I felt really bad about straddling this buff guy. I didn’t like it. I couldn’t get out of bed for two weeks. I thought I was going to die. I went to the doctor, and he said, ‘I’ll give you some Valium,’ and Francesca Sorrenti, thank God, said, ‘You’re not taking that.’ It was just anxiety. Nobody takes care of you mentally. There’s a massive pressure to do what you have to do. I was really little, and I was going to work with Steven Meisel. It was just really weird—a stretch limo coming to pick you up from work. I didn’t like it. But it was work, and I had to do it.”
A Billboard in Manhattan displaying Kate Moss modeling Calvin Klein jeans in 1999.New York Daily News Archive/Getty Images
This year, the brand tapped Moss’s mini-me. Hopefully Lila’s shoot was an easier experience. For starters, she’s nineteen, and has her mom to show her the ropes and let her know what to expect. And also, she’s wearing a shirt.
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