With your romantic relationships, try not to lose your sense of individuality or personal identity within your dynamics. Make sure that you are prioritizing alone time and inner work while you pursue new or progressing relationships. There’s something so beautiful about growing alongside one another, but make sure that your vines are not so heavily intertwined that you actually create a sense of holding one another back. You will be faced with opportunities to expand in your work and personal life, and relationships of every kind should encourage this! Take big leaps of faith in April, and you will make lifetime memories if you can listen to your inner voice and avoid the urge to put the comfort of those around you before your own desires.
March 2022
Six of Wands: My dear Sagittarius, I see you having a huge breakthrough in March that leaves you feeling wide awake to all that you want out of life. I also see you facing a challenge head-on and being rewarded handsomely. Although it may feel difficult for you to break out of your habits and try something new, that is the only route that will leave you feeling happy this month. You’re finally coming to terms with what isn’t working for you in your daily life; if you take action to release yourself from these old patterns, you will realize the other side hasn’t been so scary after all. I sense this coming up with close relationships, so ask yourself, “Who have I been holding back from in fear of being rejected?” Let your guard down around this person and remind yourself: If they reject my truth, I’ll save both of us time by walking away. There is no one on this planet worth compromising your authenticity for.
If there has been tension in your home, you could either find yourself moving out or, if you stay, sprucing up your current living situation to make it feel brand-new. Let yourself finally let go of clutter. Cleaning your space will help to clear out old, stagnant, or sad energy from your home and leave you feeling more clear-headed and alert. Try to incorporate colors, hang up fun art pieces, and put some of your sentimental items on display. You will feel much better internally when your external reality starts to feel like a truer representation of you.
February 2022
Judgment: Sagittarius, it’s time to face the music and hold yourself accountable this month. If you continue to run away from the parts of yourself that are crying out to be seen and understood, you will continue to feel stuck and disconnected from your path. There may be parts of your life that are functioning very well. You can live your life convincing others that you’re fine and you’ve got it all together, but does it matter what others think if the truth is that you’re feeling lost?
Any guilt, shame, or heaviness that you carry in your heart has the potential to be eradicated in the month of February, but it’s going to take action on your part. And to clarify: Sometimes taking action looks like stepping away from overworking, seeking counsel, or asking your loved ones for support. You deserve to live an honest life.
January 2022
Ten of Wands: My fiery Sagittarians, the month of January is asking for you to finally sit with and tear down the walls that you’ve built around your heart. No longer are you being asked to be the strong one; you are allowed to let yourself break down and fall out of old habits. If you’ve felt like parts of your life were held back by holding onto old defense mechanisms, January will be the month when you finally muster the courage to break through. You’ll be letting go of what you’ve known in order to create the life that you’ve always wanted. You are no longer a victim to the dark parts of your story, but it’s okay to still admit that there have been difficulties.
When it comes to love, try not to take the people around you for granted. You may have been blessed to have people who are willing to support you through your most unbearable moments, but do not take advantage of their willingness and flexibility with you. Now is the time to dive deeper with the people you care about the most. Sometimes it starts with something as simple as a text or a call, but you have the potential to be vulnerable like never before with the people you have in your life. Let January illuminate the way into a whole new world.