Lily Collins is a real person, and Emily Cooper is a fictional character—we know this. But when it comes to style and beauty notes, the moments where Cooper, an avatar for flamboyant fashion, influences Collins’s real-world aesthetic are typically worthy of note. Case in point: a French girl-inspired top knot that exudes evening-out romance. 

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For a Saturday night gala in Los Angeles, hairstylist Gregory Russell swept the Emily in Paris star’s glossy brunette into a jaunty, confectionary bun positioned atop her head. The updo was furthered by the actor’s bottleneck bangs, which offered the glamorous top knot some bohemian flair. The elements coalesced in a moment that was both polished and playful, the vibe rounded out by some go-to makeup touches—roseate lips, power brows, and a few swipes of mascara. 

The takeaway? For autumnal evenings or the forthcoming flood of holiday parties, a glamorous updo with undone details may be your best bet. Or, as an alternative: This is your sign to consider the merits of breezy bottleneck bangs. Lily Collins would approve.

Photo: Getty Images

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