Your weekly horoscope is here. It’s the last week of Libra season, so amplify all things Venusian (romance, art, beauty, and justice) and change the dial on anything raining out your love parade. Be sure the Yin is balanced with your Yang and move to correct if it isn’t. That means equal parts R&R to taking action or working out. Call on the Goddess of love and whisper your desires to her so she might deliver. Sometimes you have to say out loud what it is you’ve been afraid to want. Then something shifts. 

Read your weekly horoscope below to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of October 16 through October 22, 2022.


A few balls fall into place as the stars align in your social zone throughout the week. It’s a great chance to get out and about, meet people, make vital connections and establish yourself in a group or team. Thursday, navigate the breach between relationship needs and career obligations. Sometimes these two areas naturally compete for attention. Find a workaround and avoid caving to one at the expense of the other. They’re both essential parts of life, so treat them and your needs with respect; that way, others pick up your commitment. 


With a beneficial flow through your money and work sectors, make this week about pushing your needle forward. Focus on ideas, communication, networks, and writing. Clear your throat and express your grand ideas, brainstorm with collaborators or pick up on a new contact that harmonizes with your own vision. Your personal ambition or beliefs may be at odds with a more lighthearted project or colleague; find a way through. Don’t dig in your heels over a differing life philosophy, or it may cost you. By the same token, lean into your duties and maintain professional boundaries to keep an even keel. 

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