While The Devil Wears Prada is in many ways an everywoman story, it’s also a look at a specific medium in a specific moment, as star Anne Hathaway recently pointed out.
Asked about a potential sequel to the 2006 hit on The View, Hathaway mused, “I don’t know if there can be [one], I just think that movie was in a different era. Now, everything has gone so digital, and that movie centered around the concept of producing a physical thing, and it’s just very different now,” per Entertainment Weekly. As denizens of the nation known as Condé Nast, we are obligated to remind readers that, actually, Vogue still publishes a physical magazine every month, but the point stands. The media landscape has changed. Maybe it’s time for a roman à clef about Gawker 1.0 instead?
Still, for someone who doesn’t think there could be a sequel, Hathaway seems to have given the project a bit of thought. “It is tempting to think about Andy and Emily needing to get Miranda her coffee and she’s somewhere in Europe, and then along the way they pick up Stanley Tucci in Italy, who’s at a restaurant,” she continued, cautioning, “It’s tempting, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. They could relaunch it, get some new people and do it.” Please don’t! No one will ever top Emily Blunt as Emily, sorry.
The fact is, the story has continued off the page and off the screen, into real life. Anne Hathaway recently attended a New York Fashion Week show wearing a very Andy Sachs–esque (post-makeover) outfit and was seated right next to Anna Wintour, the editor who allegedly inspired the titular devil. What did Anna and Anne (say that tentimesfast) talk about? Well, Wintour explained every detail of her decision-making. And then they brushed each others’ hair and gabbed about American Idol. Kidding. They talked about tennis.