Are you ready to live your best life this year, dear Gemini? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you ask yourself tough questions and find your highest vibrational self. Are you ready to finally heal your core wounds? See what the future holds and shift your perspective in 2022.
Read on to see what’s in store for your sign in the year ahead with your monthly tarot horoscope, Gemini. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.
Meghan Rose is a Los Angeles–based spiritual advisor, intuitive tarot card reader, and author whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram and Twitter.
December 2022
Four of Swords: Gemini, the holiday season isn’t going to be the only reason that you take a break this month. It seems like there has been a long-standing cycle that you’ve kept yourself caught in that needs to be broken. Over-thinking, over-working, and/or over-indulging have left you feeling strung out and December is going to be the final straw.
This does not need to end in destruction. If you are willing to take a step back, admit fault, take accountability, and reframe your current situation, you will break the pattern with grace. However, if there is still a part of you that enjoys the familiarity too much to embrace the discomfort of change, reach out for support. Something as simple as asking a friend to join you in the gym, or becoming a part of a local community group could really alter the way you navigate your life going forward. You deserve to feel free of your own limitations, Gemini. Sometimes we just have to squash our pride first.
November 2022
The Chariot: Gemini, I see you are moving toward an accomplishment that has been a long time in the making. If you’ve been working tirelessly to get yourself to the place that you’re in right now, honor it. Embrace the changes that have happened over the years to get you to this moment. If you keep fixating on what you want your future to look like, eventually you’ll find that you missed out on being truly present. Instead, tap into the fountain of youth by being mindful in your day-to-day moments.
It may help you this month to pick up a meditation practice or to work on forgiveness and self-compassion for your past. That way you can be better equipped to give others patience, grace, and compassion too. I see many of your personal relationships deepening, and you could even be taking the “next step” with a special someone. You’re ready, Gemini. Trust the process and surrender to what’s in front of you in November!
October 2022
Temperance: My lovely Gemini, the month of October will come with situations that test your patience, and it’s your job to overcome these moments without burning out or falling victim to the challenge. If you are able to look beyond this moment of contraction, you will come out more victorious than ever before. Have you been struggling to dive deep into your personal relationships? Ask yourself if certain people are a true priority to you, or if you are simply wanting to fill your ego by keeping them around.