What does 2022 look like for you, dear Taurus? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—are here to help you find your highest vibrational self. Remind yourself that energetic change is good—it’s simply asking for you to grow and ascend into a new chapter of your life.
Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Taurus. And if you’d like more guidance in the year ahead, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.
Meghan Rose is a Los Angeles–based spiritual advisor, intuitive tarot card reader, and author whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.
December 2022
Two of Cups: Dearest Taurus, it seems that the grass truly is greenest where you water it. I see the relationships that you have cultivated and tended to now fruiting and paying you back in December. It’s time for the projects, people, home, and communities that you have dedicated your time and energy to recently to compensate you heavily. It seems like you are getting the recognition that you have always deserved, and it is going to come with blessings. Money, love, and support may all be at your fingertips over the next few weeks. What will you do with all of this extra juicy energy? Might I suggest investing in yourself and your future? Find causes or projects that you believe deeply in and focus there this month.
You would also do well to up your self-care routine. I suggest whisking yourself away somewhere that focuses on your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. (I like the CIVANA Wellness Resort, personally.) Wherever you go, this month is begging for you to embrace transformation. Even if you stay at home, you’ll want to incorporate these principles of wellbeing into your daily life. You won’t feel fulfilled by doing the bare minimum for yourself. You’re now in the chapter of your life where self-prioritization is a non-negotiable!
November 2022
Eight of Cups: My bulls, although November is asking you to make some serious shifts and changes, don’t worry about the outcome. You may be tasked with high upfront costs, barriers to entry, or some other form of obstacle barring you way into the new life that you’re building. However, the beginning moments of a new chapter are representative of how it ends. I promise that whatever feels heavy and scary right now can be much sweeter once you get the ball rolling. Trust your intuition and know that you’ve chosen to take this leap for the right reasons.
You are ready to reap the fruits of your labor, and this month will show you how capable you are of handling hard tasks and making magic out of the hand you were dealt. Do not consistently subject yourself to the same things that cause you frustration. Instead, let yourself feel fear and try to do things differently. You may just like how it feels to make life work for you instead of you working so hard for life.
October 2022
Queen of Pentacles: Dear Taurus, the month of October is going to be filled with blessings that allow you to feel more rooted and grounded in your life choices. For some of you, this is going to be moving into a home environment that is better suited for your growth and safety. For others, this is going to be branching out into a more prosperous career path. And for some very lucky Taurean babes, it will be both!