Your weekly horoscope is here. This week has that full-moon feeling as la luna crescendos on Tuesday. Don’t lash out in a war of words, even if they’re clever. Instead, lean into clear, compassionate communication and talk about your real feelings, the ones underneath that urge to strike out. Work through them in a journal or pass the talking stick in a group sharing circle; your inner self will be grateful. Consider this an opportunity to forge a connection between your heart, head, and soul.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope for your sign during the week of December 4 through December 10, 2022.
Tuesday’s full moon brightens your communication sector, so make connections as you get about your day. This is an extra sparky placement, encouraging activity and taking action, so make sure you’re free to roam. Catch up for coffee dates with mates, go for novelty and keep it quick, or you’ll be restless and ready to wrap it up. It might be time to bring the big picture to a local expression. What have you been inspired by that you could implement or initiate in your own life, circles, or neighborhood? If you’re ignoring your mystical or unexplainable insights, keep the pressure off explaining and simply experience. That might be through dreams, hunches, or coincidence.
Check that budget, Taurus. A full moon on Tuesday lights up your financial zone, so you could feel a little trigger-happy with the buy now button. Spontaneity isn’t usually your strong suit; however, this week, you have an urge to splurge that just won’t quit. Refrain from letting peer pressure get in the way of your sensible approach. Wait until later in the week before you click, tap or key in your p.i.n. It may be the right time for a wise investment that pays off in your career. Or a little assertiveness around what’s yours if someone else needs clarification about where that line is. Don’t mince words if that’s the case. Be clear and direct when negotiating a contract or anything financial. Be sure you’re on par with industry standards.