Your weekly horoscope is here. As you move through this week’s chilly stillness, remember that calm always precedes a storm. Or in this case a party! A full moon is brewing; note where your inner diva is ready to shine. Groups and social networking are the points of this season. Remember, only you can do you; dial it up and create a vibe to attract your tribe. 

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope for your sign during the week of January 29 through February 4, 2023.


After five months of misdirection in your financial zone, things take a relatively clear cut path, fiinally moving forward in your cash zone. Underwritten, of course, by your sterling sense of self-worth and value. Aries ability runs on feeling you can do and achieve anything. No one has to tell you ‘because you’re worth it’; you were born knowing that! However, if your confidence has been shaken, you know how to work with the changes. Build your momentum and go for it with unique ideas and an entrepreneurial spirit. 


Uranus is tripping the light fantastic through your sign for seven years. And yes, that’s the seven-year itch! What are you itching to do, change, try or update? Uranus is the radical planet of liberation, and you’re getting regular updates as it upends Taurus’s patch of green. And by upend, I mean catch you up and catapult you into the future. As the one that prefers the way things have always been done, the simple life and analog over virtual, this period could come as a shock. If you’re born early in the season, you’ve been there and done that, and well, actually, it’s quite nice to be so teched up and in touch. If you’re a mid-Taurus type, it’s ground zero for you. Go with the change you know you need. Late Taurus, best to future-proof now. 

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