For at least the past decade, I’ve suffered a string of unsatisfying relationships—not with people, mind you, but with dandruff treatments. In Jupiter shampoo, though, I might have finally found my soulmate (or at least my scalpmate). I’ve never responded quite so well to a dandruff shampoo. If you’ve ever struggled with flakes, you’ll understand—after countless false starts (and even more flakes), finding a product that actually works feels like nothing short of a miracle.
I have the pleasure of being one of the roughly 30% of Americans afflicted with seborrheic dermatitis, more commonly known as dandruff. The condition is likely the result of a sensitivity to the yeast naturally found on the skin and causes a dry, flaky scalp, per the American Academy of Dermatology Association. Seasonal flare-ups bring especially itchy, scaly patches that can be tough to clear. It’s possible for the condition to go away if you develop it during adolescence, as I did, but mine’s been a near-constant nuisance for years, and it’s gotten worse since the start of the pandemic.
The whole time, my shower caddy has been a revolving door of scalp treatments. The shampoo my dermatologist gave me didn’t do much. Every variety of Head & Shoulders, even the strong stuff, left me flaky. MCT oil (a refined coconut oil that’s a favorite of Reddit’s r/SebDerm community) just resulted in a greasy scalp. My best solution, up until a few months ago, was to shampoo with the notoriously strong Nizoral every single day—essentially nuking my scalp every 24 hours just to keep flare-ups at bay. It wasn’t ideal, but it mostly worked as long as I kept up.
Then, at the tail end of last year, I decided to take a chance on Jupiter shampoo. I had heard rumblings about the brand, which specializes in gentle anti-dandruff products, and after reading through a few rave reviews, I figured I had to at least give it a shot.