Nancy Twine might be known as the founder and CEO of cult-favorite hair-care brand Briogeo, but she knows that healthy hair can’t be achieved without healthy skin—or a healthy scalp. “The skin on your scalp really is an extension of the skin on your face; the anatomy is very similar,” Twine tells Glamour. “The scalp also has pores, and they get clogged. You can get scalp acne. Your scalp really just has a lot more hair follicles than what exists on your face.”
Despite all of this, Twine notes that most people wash their scalp much less than they wash their face. “If you think about it, if you were to really look at the pores in the scalp, they’re likely a lot more clogged and inflamed than the pores on your face because it’s not getting that sort of daily skin care maintenance,” she says, adding that this was a major part of the foundation of Briogeo’s new Scalp Revival collection. “It was really kind of what pioneered us as the first Prestige hair-care brand in history to launch a scalp collection. Let’s start treating our scalp the same way that we do that’s good on our face, because if we do that, we’re going to create the foundation for healthy hair.”
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Consumer interest in scalp care has skyrocketed—partially inspired by universal hair loss from the pandemic—so Briogeo’s newest launch couldn’t have better timing. “A lot of people don’t realize it, but hair loss is contributed by a lot of different things; sometimes it really is just a matter of hair follicle inflammation,” Twine points out. “So when that hair follicle gets clogged or there’s a lot of bacteria on it, it responds the same way that any other part of your body would if it was infected. It starts to get inflamed, and when you have an inflamed hair follicle, that follicle’s not able to grip onto the bulb of the hair in the same way.” Translation? When you comb and brush your hair, you’re going to notice more hair falling out. And the best way to combat that is by nurturing your scalp.
But before you run out and buy the first scalp-care product you can get your hands on, Twine recommends finding your major skin care concerns first. “Instead of just having someone just tell you what you should be using,” she says, “you first have to do a self-reflection to understand what are your big concerns and what are your needs, what kind of skin type do you have, what type of scalp type do you have, how does that change in the winter versus the summer? Once you ask yourself a few of those questions, and it’s a lot easier to go and find those right products, especially because sites like Sephora and Ulta, you can shop by concern, but you just have to do the work of understanding what your concerns are.”
Fortunately, Twine has a lot of experience. The founder and CEO knows to steer clear of most physical exfoliants since they’re too harsh for her skin and to load up on vitamin C. Ahead, Nancy Twine shares her tried and tested skin and scalp-care routines for Glamour’s Drop the Routine.
My cleanser
I’m using the Briogeo 3-in-1 bar as my face cleanser. It’s the aloe and oat. It’s just so gentle and I find a lot of the translucent cleansers to just be too drying. And this actually adds moisture back in. It’s a soap-free bar, so it’s just a very hydrating cleanser. So I’ve actually been using that on my face as my cleanser.
My exfoliants
I’m very sensitive to physical exfoliators, but one of my friends actually just launched a line. It’s called Motif, and it’s the cleanser and it has the most fine exfoliant in it. It’s not abrasive. That’s the only one I can use. If I’ve been wearing a lot of makeup for a while, I do need a bit more of just an exfoliant to get it off.