Your weekly horoscope is here. Embrace your inner sweet dream believer and float through this week. Note any addictive impulses you might have, and steer yourself toward affirming pastimes and not-so-guilty pleasures. On the one hand, allow yourself to go with the flow and be open to possibilities. On the other, switch it up and get active. Make a decisive commitment to something you want, and leave no room for doubt. You’ll be amazed at what manifests from that starting point.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of February 26 through March 4, 2023.
Over the weekend, take your ideas and assume the position of contemplative repose. Offer them up to the gods, as the ancients once did. Today psychology frames this idea as surrendering thoughts to the subconscious, non-rational side to work through in dreams and reflection. Let that part of you harvest what helps and disperse what doesn’t. Draw on this creative influence to amplify your already sharp intuitive faculty. Like an undercover lover peer beneath the surface, not at what people say with their words, but everything else around the syllables; the tone, intonation, and body language. You’ll pick up a lot more of what is really being said.
Let’s talk career as Saturn, the planet of achievement through disciplined and focused effort closes off its last week in this zone. Defining your ideas is essential as this period finalizes its 2.5-year run and aligns with the planet of communication and intellect. Commit to an idea or angle around communications. That could be about working on your typing, writing, or speaking skills. Show your knowledge around a particular topic, step into your authority, and use how you communicate to convey that you mean business. Is there something that needs finalizing or wrapping up? Do that this week. Look back over your achievements and hard work in this zone and give yourself some acknowledgment.