Your weekly horoscope is here. Short-term and shiny never looked so good as Venus, the planet representing love and desire takes on the form of speed dater Gemini. Enjoy social interaction but keep it short and sweet. Circulate! No need to get bogged down or dreary; keep it bright and keep it moving. Throw in entertainer Justine Bateman’s past tense hack from her book FAME, “It’s nice to have met you” line. With a peak in devil-may-care confidence midweek, you can achieve a lot so the best advice is to go for it!
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of April 9 through April 15, 2023.
Hey, firestarter, this is a big energy week for you as your personality and charisma take you supernova. While the entire week is sparkling, Wednesday is the apex, so think big, do it bigger, and go for what you desire. Take a calculated leap of faith or note what inspiration presents; you may have to run with it spontaneously. The planet of love is Goddessing about in your sphere of local relationships, so make new connections, chat up that cutie, and find that not-so-hidden gem. This hot take on the pleasure principle is about communication, so give your best chat-up line while your confidence is sky-high.
With plenty of practical ideas on moving your compass forward, be sure to factor in the money. Venus, the planet of love and values, settles into your cash zone on Tuesday, suggesting your silver line can land a nice big fish. Your capacity to engage people, style, and ability to provide value all count for something through May 7. So build up those coffers, yet treat yourself with the gift of knowledge or a useful gadget. You’ll want something to show for the spend, so make sure it’s quality if it’s an item, blue chip if it’s an investment, and download it if it’s a course. Midweek your intuition is so sharp you may consider a side career as a psychic medium *winks*. Note those hunches, Taurus, and take them all the way to the bank.