Zula on Leyla
What were you hoping for?
I’ve had some bad experiences with dating apps, so to just have a nice time.
First impressions?
I was early, so walked up and down the street to not look too keen. When I went in, Leyla was already nursing a glass of wine, and we both laughed about being super early. I should’ve gone straight in.
What did you talk about?
Ranking our top cuisines. Our jobs. The meanings of our various tattoos.
Most awkward moment?
Leyla asked if I’d Googled her before the date. I said of course I had, but hadn’t found much – she told me I was lying.
Fancy a blind date?
Blind date is Saturday’s dating column: every week, two
strangers are paired up for dinner and drinks, and then spill the beans
to us, answering a set of questions. This runs, with a photograph we
take of each dater before the date, in Saturday magazine (in the
UK) and online at theguardian.com every Saturday. It’s been running since 2009 – you can read all about how we put it together here.
What questions will I be asked?
ask about age, location, occupation, hobbies, interests and the type of
person you are looking to meet. If you do not think these questions
cover everything you would like to know, tell us what’s on your mind.
Can I choose who I match with?
it’s a blind date! But we do ask you a bit about your interests,
preferences, etc – the more you tell us, the better the match is likely
to be.
Can I pick the photograph?
No, but don’t worry: we’ll choose the nicest ones.
What personal details will appear?
Your first name, job and age.
How should I answer?
but respectfully. Be mindful of how it will read to your date, and that
Blind date reaches a large audience, in print and online.
Will I see the other person’s answers?
No. We may edit yours and theirs for a range of reasons, including length, and we may ask you for more details.
Will you find me The One?
We’ll try! Marriage! Babies!
Can I do it in my home town?
Only if it’s in the UK. Many of our applicants live in London, but we would love to hear from people living elsewhere.
How to apply
Email blind.date@theguardian.com
Good table manners?
Totally fine.
Best thing about Leyla?
Easy to talk to and a good listener.
Would you introduce Leyla to your friends?
For sure – she is nice and easygoing – but not in a romantic sense.
Describe Leyla in three words.
Confident, funny and cool.
What do you think Leyla made of you?
Probably that I was younger than I am, like most people assume. Also that I was super hungry.
Did you go on somewhere?
No, Leyla ended up leaving after we finished our mains. I confess that I stayed behind and ordered an incredible slice of pistachio tiramisu.
And … did you kiss?
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
The restaurant was quite noisy, and I didn’t hear everything Leyla said, so maybe I nodded to some of her stories instead of responding actively, but apart from that it was a nice evening.
Marks out of 10?
Would you meet again?
Not intentionally in a romantic way, but we might bump into each other as she’s moving to my neighbourhood.

Leyla on Zula
What were you hoping for?
Absolute hilarity or, failing that, a meal with someone fun.
First impressions?
Warm with good energy.
What did you talk about?
Our professions. Travelling. Bad date stories. Our respective experiences in the art world.
Most awkward moment?
It was quite a busy night in the restaurant and I’m kind of deaf. There’s only so many times you can ask someone to repeat themselves from across the table.
Good table manners?
Best thing about Zula?
Her creativity.
Would you introduce Zula to your friends?
She’s super open so I’m sure she’d get on with anyone, but only as a pal.
Describe Zula in three words.
Assured, chatty, creative.
What do you think Zula made of you?
Probably a bit chaotic.
Did you go on somewhere?
No, I suggested going for a drink but wisely we didn’t, as we both had work the next day.
And … did you kiss?
If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
It was nice to meet Zula but there was no connection.
Marks out of 10?
Would you meet again?
I’d definitely say hi if we bumped into each other.
Zula and Leyla ate at Firebird, London W1. Fancy a blind date? Email blind.date@theguardian.com