Remember, it’s not a bad thing to be in the learning curve of life. There is always going to be something new for you to uncover about yourself, and this, my crabby friends, is how you strengthen your self-confidence. Being excited to understand yourself; actively engaging with the process of self-discovery can bring you into alignment with the right friends, relationships, and opportunities—especially this month. So do something special this month just for you, like a solo day to the spa or an afternoon reading in a park.
April 2023
Ace of Swords: Cancer, it seems this month you’ll have the opportunity to start new conversations that will get the ball rolling again. You may have been feeling stuck or stagnant over the last few months, but you’re still not aware of how quickly (and positively) things can change. And I see big changes happening in April!
You are being guided toward a new lifestyle, one that you dreamt about years back. The thing is, you needed the right people and perspective in order to truly enjoy all that is coming your way. There is a message of “windfalls” occurring here. This means you could meet new work or personal connections that have the potential to change your life in the most blessed way. So let go of pessimistic or limiting thoughts that tell you things are not going to ever change—because they will and they are. Prove to yourself how good your life can truly get this month.
March 2023
Five of Pentacles: Cancer, I see this month being one of overcoming adversity and allowing yourself to shine through the darkness. If you are currently struggling to feel connected to those around you, March may be a month when you have to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and make amends; the season of change that is upon you. Regardless of how long someone has been in your life, you are going to have to bring everyone and every potential outcome to the table in order to make a final call on who is coming with you down your destined path and who you must leave behind. Think about what this chapter of your life is meant to represent, Cancer. Are you ready to level up and experience more out of life? Or is this chapter more about fun, light-heartedness, and doing more of the same? You must get brutally honest with yourself on whether you are outgrowing those around you, or if you yourself are being outgrown. From this space of recognition, you can take the proper steps forward.
The Five of Pentacles in the Tarot represents feelings of being left out in the cold, but you have to remember that you also have free will. It is not necessary for you to suffer; so if you do not want to feel isolated and distraught, the month of March may be one for you to make changes, take giant leaps of faith, and step up to the plate in order to avoid feelings of isolation and desperation on your quest for fulfillment. You cannot do the same thing over and over and expect different results.
February 2023
Queen of Pentacles: What a lovely way to start off a new year, Cancer! I see February being a month filled with abundance in all forms for you. If you were able to take time over the last few months to recalibrate what your goals and priorities are, you may now find that life is meeting you with opportunities to turn those dreams into reality. If you can fully sever the ties to your past that no longer serve you, the universe will bless you in unimaginable ways this month. I see trips, celebrations, progress, or financial influxes for you.