In all honesty, this month will make the hiatus you’ve been on make sense. You don’t need to fret about lost time, as that concept as a whole is wildly inaccurate. There is no such thing as lost time if you’re allowing yourself to be present while it’s passing. So try to find some moments alone to rest and maybe unplug from your phone and social media for a bit this month. I promise those fierce lion eyes could use some rest and sunshine. Do I hear birds chirping and a crunch with each step? It seems hiking, wine tasting, or a beach day could be in your future!
April 2023
Two of Pentacles: Leo, you have the choice this month to do what you’ve always done or change in a drastic and powerful way. For some of you, there may be a move. Whether that’s down the street or half a world away, just know that you are being divinely guided to make this leap of faith and switch things up.
If you choose to stay, there may be movement in your love life, like taking the next step. So if you have any fears about commitment, now is a good time to break through those and start to trust yourself, those around you, and the process of deepening your relationships. If you live in your little safe bubble, that will only get you so far. Instead of succumbing to the crippling fears or a state of overwhelm, consider this: What if you changed your approach to life and started filling your cup up so you could shoulder deeper interpersonal relationships with more effort? It’s not always everyone else who is the problem, Leo.
March 2023
Eight of Swords: Dearest Leo, the feeling of being stuck up in your head seems to be coming to, well, a head this month. March is going to be a time for you to get straight with who and what you are letting into your psyche and finally taking the trash out. It’s not healthy for you to feel overwhelmed and burdened so frequently, and you’re now ready to take life by the reins and make some big changes so you can recenter yourself.
This month you are met with Venus (the planet of love, beauty, and money) in fellow fixed sign Taurus on the 16th; this means you could be surprised by how good life can get. The catch? It’s going to look a lot different than you had anticipated. If you are able to let go of the ego-driven desires that you have held onto for far too long, and finally open up to what life is really all about, you might be one of the lucky ones. However, if you continue to fight the right opportunities in love, career, home, and friends simply because they don’t look the way you’d envisioned them, you’ll likely continue to feel frazzled and frustrated about what life is blessing you with. I highly suggest that you start and end each day with a gratitude list, writing out things (big and small) that have happened to you to finally etch away at that gnawing feeling that lives deep down inside.
February 2023
Six of Cups: Dear Leo, the dreams of your past might slowly become your reality starting in February. And the blessings will be here to stay. Some of you may be thinking about having children or feel called to do some work on your inner child. Either way, there is a green light from the universe for integrating the energy of innocence and imagination into your daily routine. Start to allow yourself to be silly and seen for who you truly are. There is something so blissful about the energy surrounding you this month, and you’d benefit greatly from stepping outside your comfort zone and starting to think more optimistically about yourself and the life that you are living.