Wool is having a comeback, especially for outerwear apparel. Today’s consumers want to invest in high-quality clothing that is easily maintained over time. Naturally, clothing items made from fabrics like wool are go-to choices.
As popular as the return to fabric staples like wool is becoming, not every brand offers the quality consumers want. Understanding how to sift through items made to last vs. those that are quick to wear down is not so simple. Thankfully, we’ve narrowed down what to look for when shopping for a genuine wool jacket.
Knowing which options to consider is essential when you’re shopping for a wool coat. Below, we discuss what you should look for when investing in a wool jacket women you can count on. Read on to learn more.
Look for lightweight fabric blends.
When you’re placing money into long-lasting wool products, you want to know that they will hold up in durability. Look for wool jackets made from blends to ensure you get the value you expect in your purchase. Compared to pure synthetic fabrics, fabric combinations are kinder on the environment as they require fewer fibers and contain a high degree of recycled fibers to create wool jackets.
Moreover, the production process is done with care, with sustainability at the forefront. Less water and energy are used to make a wool jacket for women. Additionally, fewer chemicals are used during the production process.
Look for the most balanced fabric ratios.
When shopping for a wool jacket for women, fabric blends should consist of ratios that allow for more product resiliency and wearability. You want wool that gives you the greatest warmth as well as absorbency. Consider options such as fabric blends of wool and light options like polyester, particularly in ratios of 60/50 polyester and wool. A reasonably even percentage of both materials will give you the best balance, prolonging the wool jacket’s wearability.
Get wool jackets for women that exude neatness.
Investing in a wool jacket for women is a particular purchase in that the wearer likely has a look in mind that the jacket will pair with. For the best chances at pairing the jacket successfully with the rest of an outfit, look for options that offer details that add neatness and evenness to the jacket. For example, cropped coat lengths, caps resting inside the shoulders, and decorated flaps can all contribute to the neatness of a quality wool jacket.
Choose options with side pockets.
Looking for wool jackets with side pockets is an essential consideration to make before making a final decision on a wool jacket. Side pockets provide added functionality to a wool jacket, which may give the wearer more reason to invest in wool jackets that contain side pockets rather than their counterparts.
Purchase a dependable jacket.
Ultimately, investing in a wool jacket for women is a personal decision. If nothing else, pay attention to the value of the jackets you’re considering so that you find a wool jacket you can depend on.