Mindy Kaling shared a new look to her Instagram account recently with the caption “Too hot to smile,” in reference to the heatwave taking hold on the entire world excluding the UK, where you’re currently likely to experience at least two seasons in one day.
There was once a time when Mindy had a very distinct style, but these days, there are two very different sides to her style.
We have the colourful, vibrant side, which is usually reserved for Instagram, then we have the reserved, “play it safe” side which we see on the red carpet.
I love how playful this Molly Goddard Mertyl dress is with the tons of layered ruffles which amplify this light green sheer dress, as the pastel hue points to Molly Goddard’s playfulness which fit’s Mindy’s Instagram style to a T.
You’ll either love how this dress imbues a sense of elegance and youthful cheekiness simultaneously or feel that it is too twee.
I’m the former, even though I don’t think the pointy nature of the white pumps were all that flattering, but it could be the angle of the photo.
A string of pearls completed her look.

Credit: Mindy Kaling’s Instagram
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