Aquarius, are you ready for 2023? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—are here to help you navigate the year ahead. Time to move onward and upward on your path to discovering your highest vibrational self this year. Let your tarot horoscopes show you the best way forward.
Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Aquarius. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.
Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.
November 2023
The Chariot: Aquarius, you are finally moving on from something and letting yourself let go. If you’ve been focused on something lately (especially if it’s negative) you will have the chance this month to come to peace with it. If other people around you are keeping this negative energy or focus alive, allow yourself to take space from them as you learn to let go. This could apply to someone from your past, a mistake that was made, or a challenge that’s currently presenting itself. The truth is your focus on this issue is making it more unbearable for you, so it’s time to let go. If someone else continues to poke at this wound, it’s time for you to speak up. Group thought is never helpful if it drags you downward, but the power of positive collective thinking is very powerful. Ask the people around you to start engaging in healthy discourse, and activities, or taking action on a cause you all care about. Bring the people around you together in a more optimistic way and see how quickly your life starts to change for the better.
October 2023
Two of Pentacles: Aquarius, you may find that it’s been extremely challenging for you lately to juggle your responsibilities. If you have been feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortably busy, this will start to ease up in October. The universe has been guiding you through the thickest parts of the dark forest in order to get you to a more beautiful (and sustainable) reality on the other side. In order to get to our goals, we have to be willing to weather difficulty. This is the path of a true alchemist, and you are now ready to reap the rewards of your brave struggles. You may still have many demands for your time and energy, but you will now have greater discernment over who and what needs an immediate answer from you. Be sure to be flexible as not every person asking for your time, attention, or money is a universal “test.” Sometimes you have to lean into generosity more than is comfortable, and trust that you know the difference between the right spaces and the wrong spaces now. Trust yourself and it will be inherently easier to trust others. The Two of Pentacles might also bring to light the need for you to manage your resources more wisely, especially financially. Budgeting and careful planning will help you navigate away from your financial struggles. Stay grounded and focused on your goals, and you will find that October is a time for successful navigation away from this challenging chapter.
September 2023
Seven of Cups: Aquarius, in the month of September I see you feeling overwhelmed with the number of decisions you’ll have to make. It seems as though any part of your life that could change is doing so, but this is all working out in your favor in the long-term.
If you’ve recently left a living situation or relationship that you felt you were outgrowing, you’ll feel so light-hearted and free this month. You are noticing how easy life is when you listen to your gut, and others are feeling drawn to you by how confident and smooth your energy is. Try to take advantage of this by putting yourself out there. Whether this is live performance, social media, or giving a presentation for work or investors, you will do very well this month by rooting into your power and sharing your expertise with others. Don’t give up; this is just the start of a bull run—forward and upward!
August 2023
Two of Swords: Aquarius, it seems you are entering August feeling stuck, and it’s understandable that this feeling is arising for you. Although the Two of Swords arrives to affirm your experience, I see clarity for you related to this challenging situation before the month is over. However, this will require you to take some accountability in order to move through this difficult patch smoothly.