Lennard standing and laughing.

Lennard on Sophia

What were you hoping for?
A nice evening with someone new. I was curious about what the evening would bring.

First impressions?
Very open and welcoming. I’d had a full day and needed time to land, but she made me feel comfortable straight away.

What did you talk about?
Sophia is a vocalist and life coach, and a very lively person. I was curious about her way of living, travelling and combining all that. We talked about our professions, music, art, how we enjoyed our lives, and our futures. We talked about the way we interact with our families, about past relationships and mutual interests.

Most awkward moment?
Me needing to go to the toilet three times.

Good table manners?
We ate with our hands, but it was the way the dish we ordered had to be eaten!

Best thing about Sophia?
She is very open. She looked me in the eyes when talking and didn’t beat around the bush. I very much like that.

Would you introduce Sophia to your friends?
Most definitely. I can see them having good talks and laughs.

Describe Sophia in three words
Energetic, passionate, open-minded.

What do you think she made of you?
I guess she enjoyed my company. I had the idea she was curious about my life. I’d done my best to dress well and smell fresh. I lost my clippers, so couldn’t trim my beard. That could have made me look like a vagrant, as I was also a bit tired, but maybe she likes rough edges!

Did you go on somewhere?
No, Sophia had to catch the train home, and I think we both enjoyed keeping it to the dinner for that evening.

And … did you kiss?
No, we did not.

If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
I’d have tried a few different dishes. And watched my cards more carefully. (I lost my credit card and driving licence on my way home.)

Marks out of 10?
I’d give the evening an 8. We had a lot of fun, good food and went home a little tipsy.

Would you meet again?
Possibly. We could easily have talked for a couple more hours, so I could picture us having another dinner or a visit to a concert together.

Sophie and Lennard on their date.
Sophie and Lennard on their date


Fancy a blind date?


Blind date is Saturday’s dating column: every week, two
strangers are paired up for dinner and drinks, and then spill the beans
to us, answering a set of questions. This runs, with a photograph we
take of each dater before the date, in Saturday magazine (in the
UK) and online at theguardian.com every Saturday. It’s been running since 2009 – you can read all about how we put it together here.

What questions will I be asked?
ask about age, location, occupation, hobbies, interests and the type of
person you are looking to meet. If you do not think these questions
cover everything you would like to know, tell us what’s on your mind.

Can I choose who I match with?
it’s a blind date! But we do ask you a bit about your interests,
preferences, etc – the more you tell us, the better the match is likely
to be.

Can I pick the photograph?
No, but don’t worry: we’ll choose the nicest ones.

What personal details will appear?
Your first name, job and age.

How should I answer?
but respectfully. Be mindful of how it will read to your date, and that
Blind date reaches a large audience, in print and online.

Will I see the other person’s answers?
No. We may edit yours and theirs for a range of reasons, including length, and we may ask you for more details.

Will you find me The One?
We’ll try! Marriage! Babies!

Can I do it in my home town?
Only if it’s in the UK. Many of our applicants live in London, but we would love to hear from people living elsewhere.

How to apply
Email blind.date@theguardian.com

Thank you for your feedback.

Sophia on Lennard

Sophia, standing with her hands on her hips.

What were you hoping for?
Good food and an easy, flowing night of conversation and connection. I try to let things unfold as they are meant to.

First impressions?
We were both a bit nervous, but he was easy to talk to from the beginning. Really sweet and attentive.

What did you talk about?
Oh, lots of things! Places we’ve travelled to. Past heartbreaks. Family life. Our creative businesses. My puppy … We stayed talking past closing and probably could have talked a lot longer.

Most awkward moment?
It’s a bit shocking to go on a blind date, all that new information at once. I could tell he needed a moment to settle in. Perhaps he was overwhelmed by my beauty! Who knows?

Good table manners?
He asked to try my meal, which was a risky move, but I appreciated it. I love sharing food. We tried lots of things: dumplings, duck, lamb, white wines … yum!

Best thing about Lennard?
He is a great listener. I live a pretty unconventional life and he seemed intrigued by it rather than apprehensive. I shared a few slightly vulnerable things about myself and he was warm and open to everything. As a woman, you always notice when someone makes you feel safe.

Would you introduce Lennard to your friends?

Describe Lennard in three words
Open-minded, creative and compassionate.

What do you think he made of you?
He also said he liked me and wanted to see me again. We have a lot of similar interests. We both love travel and warm climates. We both have tons of creative energy and love building communities around our passions.

Did you go on somewhere?
No, I needed to catch the last train back to The Hague. Next time!

And … did you kiss?
No, but we exchanged numbers and had a nice hug.

If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
Have the date in The Hague, so I wouldn’t have had to travel home so late at night.

Marks out of 10?
10. Also, a huge shout out to Batoni Khinkali. Great Georgian food and the staff treated us like royalty. They have a liquor called chacha that is incredible.

Would you meet again?
Yes, I’m sure we will.

Sophia and Lennard ate at Batoni Khinkali, Amsterdam. Fancy a blind date? Email blind.date@theguardian.com

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