Imagine your best year ever, dear Sagittarius. What does it look like? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you focus your energy and become your highest vibrational self. Are you ready for 2023 and all it brings? Find out with your tarot horoscopes.
Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Sagittarius. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.
Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.
November 2023
Two of Cups: Sagittarius, as you continue to go through life growing and changing, you must not count out the opportunities for stability and loyalty. There are people around you who are ready and willing to devote themselves to you. This could be someone combining forces with you as a romantic partner, a business partner, a friend, or the head of a community. Whoever (and however) they show up, be ready to open your heart to the highest possible outcome. Your life does not need to stay stuck the way that it is currently going, you are allowed to release this chapter and move into one that feels better suited for you. You are allowed to live a life of joy and freedom. It’s imperative that you let go of your walls and start to let the right people in. This might even show up in the form of a healer, therapist, or teacher of some sort that you deeply resonate with. Regardless, allow yourself to be held and supported by someone who has the capacity for all that you are. You do not need to dim yourself down, instead, you need to find people who have a wide enough capacity for all that you bring to this world. You deserve to be fully seen and understood.
October 2023
Eight of Swords: Sagittarius, this month you might find yourself feeling trapped by limiting beliefs. The Eight of Swords shows up to remind us that sometimes the imprisoned feeling that we’re experiencing is a byproduct of our own doing. It’s crucial to recognize that these feelings are both self-imposed and unnecessary. October will be the month when you either fall victim to the lesson that “stress is not a prerequisite for change” or you pass the test and let your unnecessary stress flow out with your next exhale. The key to your liberation lies in shifting your perspective and breaking free from mental constraints. Overthinking, overanalyzing, and overwhelming yourself are not going to get you to where you are trying to go. Instead, try to seek out guidance from a mentor or supportive figure, explore different perspectives, and challenge your old beliefs. This month is one for personal growth and expansion. Don’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back from the spaces that you are being called to. This could be as simple as a yoga class or as complex as a specialized support group. But whatever you have been avoiding has the heart medicine that you’ve been seeking. With courage and an open mind, you can start to release yourself from any mental entanglements and move toward greater freedom in October and beyond! Now is the time for you to be supported.
September 2023
Four of Swords: Sagittarius, if you are struggling to relax or rest, the month of September will give you ample time to do both. Instead of fighting these moments of downtime, why not enjoy them to their fullest? Invite a loved one into your cozy bubble, or bring a book with you the next time you have to wait for an appointment. Rather than thinking that everything in life needs to be pushed through or numbed, you may start to realize how beautiful your life really is when you just sit in it. You’d do best this month to take some time off and rejuvenate.
When the Four of Swords pops up, it is an omen to rest before the universe makes us—in short, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” I encourage you to choose the easy way and give yourself more time to relax than you think you need. You won’t realize how much you are preparing yourself for, but the month of September is like an opportunity to sit the bench before the final moments of a playoff game. If and when there are major changes in your life over the next few months, you’ll wish you had filled your battery up with energy if you don’t do it now. So try a spa day, a vacation, or a weekend getaway. You deserve it, Sag!
August 2023
Six of Pentacles: My dearest Sagittarius, I see you using this month to get serious about balancing your emotions, budget, and lifestyle. Instead of thinking that you need to keep up with the Jonses, it seems you’re realizing that your life is unique to your soul’s purpose and no one else’s. So release the idea that you need to improve, be better, or impress anyone other than your past self. Spend some time this month in silence if you can; I highly suggest going somewhere remote and in nature if possible. You are not meant to be a cog in the machine, Sagittarius.