the devil tarot card

Are you ready for 2023, Scorpio? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you make the changes necessary for growth, as long as you’re willing to put in the work. Together we can find your best path forward in the year ahead through tarot horoscopes.

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Scorpio. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

December 2023

The Devil: When December arrives, you might feel the temptation to slip back into old patterns or relationships that no longer serve you. You are dealing with a crossroads that will either allow you to enter into a new reality filled with dedication and discernment or put yourself back onto the same hamster wheel, Scorpio. You do not have to learn the same, difficult lessons over and over again. Instead, allow yourself to pause, witness what (or who) is in front of you, and make the conscious choice to avoid a pattern you’re actually ready to break. You do not need to take it personally that this lesson is showing up again, just feel grateful that the universe thinks you’re ready to upgrade and overcome this!

November 2023

five of pentacles tarot

Five of Pentacles: Scorpio, the Five of Pentacles arrives in November to tell you that all of the ways that you might feel left out are self-inflicted. It’s time for you to turn the negative narratives in your life around and give yourself grace and an opportunity to forgive yourself. If you’ve felt outcasted, slighted, or forgotten about in your life, it’s time to deal with those feelings so you no longer project them onto others. If you are consistently seeking out ways in which someone has wronged you, you will always find at least one. But if you are consistently looking out for ways in which other people are showing up for you or supporting you, you will always find at least one. This month it’s important to heal the root issues so that you can finally live a life that is as free as you want it to be. Take time this month to apply all of the knowledge and wisdom you have been cultivating in the shadows. There is only so much work that you can do on your own in a controlled environment. Now it’s time to take all of that practice out into the real world through dating, making friends, trying new hobbies, attending social events, or heck even throwing yourself a birthday party! Why not get yourself a gift too while you’re at it?

October 2023

seven of swords tarot card

Seven of Swords: Scorpio, the Seven of Swords arrives for you in October and urges caution and strategic thinking for the month ahead. You may encounter situations that require your discernment and a sort of special (and careful) navigation to protect your heart. Be wary of deceit from the people around you or hidden agendas from those closest to you. Whether this energy shows up in your personal or professional life, you will want to take note of who you can no longer depend on. Trust your gut instincts, take necessary action to protect your energy, and then allow yourself to sit back and relax. There is only so much you can do to ward off bad energy from others, but unplugging is the first line of action. Release yourself from excessive Internet usage, as the games of comparison or feelings of paranoia can arise unnecessarily when you are letting too many people’s energy in through overuse of your phone—especially in social media. The Seven of Swords also suggests that you might need to make a strategic withdrawal from a situation that no longer serves you. While it’s essential to be cautious, avoid unnecessary confrontations. The person who could be deceiving you might have been you all along, Scorpio. Inflicting pain or recreating challenging scenarios with your closest people might be an attempt to play out old abandonment wounds. Choose your battles wisely and stay true to your values. With discernment, an open heart, and intuition, you can navigate any challenges that come your way.

September 2023

two of pentacles tarot card

Two of Pentacles: Scorpio, it seems one of the most important moments in your life will be held within the loving arms of September. This month you are being gifted with the energy of the two of pentacles, a card in the tarot that represents ultimately safety as you navigate making a decision. This decision may feel like it’s life or death, but the reality here is that the universe just wants to see how much you’ve grown and how deeply you trust your own judgment. Without relying on others to take a step forward, you’ll show your spirit team that you are well equipped to captain your own life.

It seems you are navigating a massive change in your life path; instead of thinking about what the so-called right decision is, listen to your gut and go where you feel happiest. That may mean a new city, a new job, or a new direction entirely. Wherever life is guiding you, go with your head held high and your chest puffed forward. Others will respond best to you when you sound and act sure of yourself, Scorpio.

August 2023

justice tarot

Justice: Scorpio, it seems you are walking into a chapter of your life where the past will start to make sense to your present moment. Instead of feeling angry or disappointed about the people you had to leave behind, start to feel a sense of gratitude for your discernment and for the role they played in your life while they were around. If you start to change your perspective around loss and change, you’ll be more accepting of change when it occurs.

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