They should! You guys are hot and smart and have the biggest hearts.
Susan: And we have big personalities. And going back to the show, I, honestly, as I grew to know Gerry, felt as if he didn’t want such a big, strong personality. He looked for a more quiet, adoring kind of woman, like the women who are left. And I think that was his match.
Kathy: All you want for anyone in life is to find a second chance at love, and if Gerry has found that, then we’re all happy for him, whoever he’s with. That’s what we want. And we hope it will happen for us. I’m not giving up.
Susan: I wanted all the men that applied for [The Golden Bachelor] because they’ve already had background checks, so if we could just review those, we might find someone in there!
Kathy: You and I might fight over the same guy! But I do push-ups so I might win. [Laughs]
John Fleenor/ABC
Let’s talk about the kind of woman Gerry is looking for, since you brought it up.
Kathy: Here’s what he should do, and I hope he’s listening: He should spend three months with each of those ladies [Faith, Leslie, and Theresa], and the other three months with the ASKN crew! What do you think? I don’t know how this ends up, but if it ends up being Theresa, I wish them a lifetime of happiness. Am I a little bit envious? Yes, because I want that second chance at love. But whoever he’s with, I couldn’t be happier for them.
So you weren’t shocked that Theresa is in the final three?
Kathy: No, and to Susan’s point, I think Theresa is certainly a lot quieter than Susan and I are. Theresa has a different demeanor, and I think Gerry likes that. So no, I wasn’t surprised at all.
Susan: The very first one-on-one date was with Theresa, and I watched it a few times, and they bonded about similar things that happened in their lives, and as well as with Faith and Leslie. So it makes sense.
Kathy: Wait a second, Susan, I have had a long marriage that Gerry had as well. I lost my husband. The problem is, he seems to like petite brunettes! And I’m 5’8! So that might have been a problem. But they do have a lot in common.
I personally thought Theresa overreacted with the “Zip it” comment when she relayed it to Gerry because you didn’t say it in quite that forceful and nasty tone.
Susan: She said “snip it!”
Right, she didn’t even say the phrase right when she recounted it to Gerry. But she just made the tone of the conversation with Kathy sound so much more dramatic than it was.
Kathy: He’s going to learn so much more about her and Leslie and Faith that really…whatever I said [doesn’t matter]. I hugged him at the Tell All, and I think he knows that I’m a genuinely nice person. I think it was a bigger issue that I was not a petite brunette than I said “Zip it.” And I can’t change that! I’m 5’8, I can’t help it!