What does your best 2023 look like, dear Pisces? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—are here to help. Ask yourself tough questions, make the changes necessary to grow, and you’ll be on the path to discover your highest vibrational self in the year ahead. Tarot horoscopes can show the best way forward.
Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Pisces. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.
Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.
December 2023
Three of Swords: You could feel heartbroken this month over something not turning out how you originally anticipated it to. Instead of allowing yourself to give up, use this as a chance to take a new path that you wouldn’t have otherwise explored! Giving yourself a chance to feel strong, confident, and excited about a new approach to life is a great way to take advantage of a bad situation and turn it into a blessing in disguise. Others will feel called to help and support you, so make sure you are staying available to the blessings that are knocking on your door after you leave your past behind you. This will be the first month in a string of months that remind you that you’re allowed to enjoy the time you have on this planet to the fullest!
November 2023
Three of Wands: Pisces, November is going to bring you a blessing to remind you that all of your hard work, hoping, and wishing has not been done in vain. You are a truly powerful being and when you are focused on the right things, the universe wants to do nothing more than to bring those things to life. You might be setting out on a trip or inviting friends or loved ones to you. There is movement that will bring close connections together this month and this is giving you an opportunity to feel safe and supported in the presence of those you care about the most. The journey to your goals does not have to be a lonely one. Instead, grant yourself the chance to be loved, encouraged, and assisted this month by the power of love. It will be important to transmute all of this loving energy into further work on your passion project as the month closes and the Full Moon in Gemini arrives on November 27th. This will be a potent time for you to take part in the manifestation of your dream life. Hoping is one thing, but taking action is something entirely different and more powerful.
October 2023
The Heirophant: Pisces, The Hierophant is arriving to remind you that instead of silently suffering with the issues at hand, reach out to trusted friends, mentors, and guides to help you navigate towards a happier and more aligned chapter of life. The guidance you receive this month from trusted sources will be life-altering and ultimately set you up for the success that you’ve been desiring. It is difficult to get to your end goal alone, and the universe is telling you through this card that you no longer need to spin your wheels just to stay in the same place. October is a time when you finally feel a deep connection to your spiritual guides as you seek out wise words and support from mentors. This will be a moment where you can rewrite old narratives on authority as you find people who may know more, but they do not use it against you. Instead, they welcome you with open arms and ask you to be silly, make mistakes, and sound foolish in the name of growth and change. Remember: People who are above you will never judge your first step in the right direction; only the people who are stuck in the same space would do that. Others who are truly healed want each other to win. Others who are in misery love company. Embrace your spiritual journey and use this month to explore your beliefs on a deeper level with someone you trust. This would be a great month to choose a mantra, a ritual, or a daily habit that sets you up for long-term happiness and success.
September 2023
Page of Pentacles: Pisces, when the month of September arrives, you will still have your seventh house of partnerships and romance lit up by the Virgo sun. So take advantage of the first few weeks of this month, and align with the energy of the page of pentacles that was drawn for you. You will do best if you can enjoy the process of learning again. That means you don’t need to stay stuck in a rut or even stay on the same path anymore if you are feeling misaligned and out of touch with yourself.
You’re not required to be a version of yourself that no longer feels like you. If you’ve been in your career for a long time, it helps to imagine a reality where you do something totally different just to step into nonattachment. If you’re unable to think of your life without something in your external reality there to validate it—a job title, a partner, a city you live in, or all of the above—that might signal a large issue. Relying on anyone or anything to define who you are is a losing game. Explore with different identities and life paths this month. There’s no harm in taking something new out for a spin!
August 2023
Ace of Swords: Pisces, with the full moon in your sign on the 30th, you might feel called to let go of the people, dynamics, and projects that you’ve been wrongly pouring so much of your time and energy into. From this month onward, I see you feeling empowered and actionable in your pursuit toward happiness.