What does 2023 look like for you, dear Taurus? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—are here to help you find your highest vibrational self. Remind yourself that energetic change is good—it’s simply asking for you to grow and ascend into a new chapter of your life. Tarot horoscopes simply show the easiest path toward that growth.
So read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Taurus. And if you’d like more guidance in the year ahead, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.
Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.
December 2023
Two of Cups: You are being granted the opportunity to upgrade a connection in your life as the conversation starts to flow more easily and you are no longer waiting to be in the type of relationship, friendship, or collaboration of your dreams—because you are already in it! If you feel as if you’ve been struggling to align with the right people or opportunities, that narrative will end in December as you start to live with more awareness and presentness of what is already going the right way. The more you focus on what’s working, the more things will work out in your favor. You may even achieve more financial freedom this month just to remind you how comfortable and easy life can be for you.
November 2023
The Lovers: What a lovely and connected month in store for you, Taurus! November is going to have you singing the praises of those closest to you, and for good reason. You will start to see that you have the right people in your corner, cheering you on and supporting your vision. If you were feeling disconnected or discouraged with how you were connecting with others that will soon dissolve. Let yourself rely on others, get yourself out there with social engagements, and don’t be afraid to initiate! The right people are oftentimes the ones who are just a call or text away, but it takes guts to open up and put yourself out there. This is no small feat, so make sure that if someone is busy or unresponsive, you’re not taking it to heart! Everyone is on their own timeline, so try to focus on the ones who do show up rather than the times that they don’t (or can’t).
October 2023
Three of Wands: Taurus, the Three of Wands graces your path this October, signaling a period of expansion and growth. Whatever (or whoever) you’ve had your eyes on is arriving even better than you could have imagined! When you trust the universe, the universe delivers for you. When you focus your attention on one thing instead of everything, you start to realize how powerful your gaze truly is. You’ve laid a solid foundation for your dreams to arrive, and now it’s time to broaden your horizons. Start to think outside of the box, as your blessings are not meant to be a one-hit wonder. Foster longevity and continuity in the way you are calling forth goodness. Ergo, one great date is good, but a string of great dates is better. This month, focus on exploring new opportunities and setting your sights on the distant (and grandiose) horizons of life. Whether this goal is in your career, romantic relationships, or your own personal development, don’t be afraid to think bigger. Travel may also be on the horizon for you with the Three of Wands appearing. This trip will bring you fresh experiences and a new perspective on life and what it’s all worth living for. Try to use the month of October to embrace change and find confidence in your own ability to manifest your desires. Your efforts this month will lead you towards exciting new beginnings!
September 2023
Ten of Swords: Taurus, there’s something about seeing the Ten of Swords that usually strikes fear in people—but for you, this is a huge moment of victory. It seems you are closing a long, drawn-out chapter of pain and confusion, and the lessons you take forward with you will be extremely valuable. Just make sure that you’re looking with fresh eyes and a trusting heart at the chapter ahead. You’re not meant to bring the things (and people) forward that you are choosing to leave behind. So try to remove yourself from negativity, gossip, and judgment, as those will keep old wounds open. Remember, bitterness is a poison that only plagues the person who drinks it. So regardless of who you are feeling obsession or ill-will toward, they’ll not suffer the way you do by focusing on them. Let go fully if you’re choosing to let go at all.
On the other side of releasing your past, you may find that there are many interests and hobbies that you’ve been ignoring in the name of hyperfixating on others. Try to use your hands, your mind, and your heart this month. Crocheting, pottery, painting, and writing are all great pastimes to fill up that newly cleared-out space in your heart. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with how well you feel when you start to live from a space of forgiveness and kindness.
August 2023
The World: Taurus, just when things were starting to feel a little bleak and confusing, it seems the universe has decided you’re ready for a well-deserved upgrade. After acknowledging where you need to grow and transform, August will give you the opportunity to do so. And with Jupiter (the planet of luck and expansion) in your sign and the World card popping up for you, this month might feel like a 180-degree shift in the right direction.