New year, a new chapter in your book of life, Gemini. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, will head into your sign this year, so set your plans ready to take off. For the moment, it’s finalized a three-month retrograde in your sphere of dreams, rest, solitude, and the non-material planes. Delve into the next level of your mystic journey if you’re on one or are curious to jump in and discover what the buzz is all about. If you’re tempted to run your batteries down, remember you’re in charge mode right now, rest up, eat well, be kind to your body, and conserve resources. On January 1st, Mercury switches its status from retrograde to direct, so what rerouting or course correcting are you ready to implement in terms of your direction or communication? Consider any changes in how you wish to be perceived (and why), then move into alignment.
As Mercury, the planet of comms, moves out of a three-week retrograde and into direct motion, what in your life is ready to course, correct? Especially consider this reroute in terms of communication or transport in your sphere of work, wellness, and daily routines. Feelings don’t always convert easily into words as they do moods. However, it may be time to articulate your ideas or give voice to something brewing. Mars, the planet of action, energy, and assertion, moves into your opposite sign, energizing your sphere of one-to-one, significant relationships. It’s all about the other, so team up in a dynamic duo for the win. If you need motivation, rope in a buddy, but be sure to share the load rather than expect them to do the legwork or, in reverse, to take on more than your fair share. Keep active in partnership to expel excess energy and assert your boundaries where applicable. This is a practical yet feisty period with bae and besties.