TUESDAY FEB. 27, 2024 7:22 PM PARIS.
MEL OTTENBERG: Hey Honey Dijon, we’re at the Fall/Winter Saint Laurent show.
HONEY DIJON: How’s it going?
OTTENBERG: It’s good, I love the couch.
HONEY DIJON: I love it. And the sheer pantyhose.
OTTENBERG: Oh wow, look who it is!
HONEY DIJON: It’s Catherine Baba!
OTTENBERG: Catherine Baba, tell us what you thought of the show.
BABA: Divine! Heavenly!
HONEY DIJON: Seductive. Sensual. Erotic!
HONEY DIJON: I’ll see you in New York.
OTTENBERG: Oh my god, there’s Béatrice Dalle and Betty Catroux. I should go talk to them, but that’s intense. I’ve lost Talia Ryder. Hey, Georgia. Thoughts on the show?
GEORGIA MAY JAGGER: I loved it. I love stockings for everything. That’s the new vibe, just stockings for your whole outfit.
OTTENBERG: Just stockings. What did you think, Nadia?
NADIA LEE COHEN: Don’t ask me what I think, Mel. I love the tits. I love all of the tits.
OTTENBERG: Gabbriette, thoughts on the show?
GABBRIETTE: Ooh, gorgeous. Head wraps, bangles, sheer, boobies out and I loved it.
OTTENBERG: Oh, there she is. What’s up, Talia?
TALIA RYDER: How are you?
OTTENBERG: I’m good. I’m tired, I’m stressed out. But I’m fine.
RYDER: Me too.
RYDER: I don’t know. Look at my nails, though.
OTTENBERG: Your nails look great. Is that a money sign?
RYDER: Yeah.
OTTENBERG: Let me get a close-up. Okay, now we’re sitting on the beautiful couch of dreams. I’m setting the scene, we’re looking at the boss lady from Emily in Paris getting styled by her stylist for like eight cameras.
RYDER: Mood.
OTTENBERG: Mood. And my ultimate women were here, Betty Catroux and Béatrice Dalle, and I wanted to go talk to them. HEY! Béatrice Dalle, we love you! We worship you, you’re so fucking cool.
OTTENBERG: Oh my god, I’m meeting you?! I love you so much. My name is Mel Ottenberg, I’m the Editor-in-Chief of Interview Magazine, we’re such fans.
DALLE: [Speaking in French]
OTTENBERG: Okay, we got a really cool shot with Béatrice Dalle, dude. That’s a fantasy. That shit doesn’t happen in New York. Doesn’t happen in Milan.
RYDER: Nope.
OTTENBERG: It’s just happening in Paris.
RYDER: I’ve had so many weird coincidences. Last time I was here, an Uber driver said something really mean to me and I got out of the car and this man just drew me a picture and gave me a lollipop. Not in a creepy way, in a really sweet way.
OTTENBERG: I love that. So, you look really sick in your suit. Would you wear anything in the show?
RYDER: It depends on my mood that day. I have a premiere here on Thursday and I wasn’t sure if I was going to wear the dress to the show. I’m also wearing Saint Laurent to the premiere. It worked out that I had two looks because I didn’t know what my mood was going to be that day. And I was feeling like it was a suit day.
OTTENBERG: Would you let the nip slip in public? Like, in Yves Saint Laurent things?
RYDER: If I’m in that mood, I would.
OTTENBERG: So what you’re saying is: sometimes you’re a suit, but if the mood was right, fuck it.
RYDER: Exactly.
RYDER: I feel like more often I’m in the suit mood. But I mean, I want everything, obviously.
OTTENBERG: Do you have a favorite call out that you remember from the show?
RYDER: I mean the bags, the really puffy bags and the coat with the same material. And there’s that mesh that drapes across that looks like it’s being folded. Gorgeous. Just like art, but clothing.
OTTENBERG: I love those big, puffy bags. I like seeing a bag that no one except for the sickest person on earth is gonna carry.
RYDER: So, me.
OTTENBERG: This is not for the basics. This is for you.
RYDER: Exactly. And the coat, I want that coat, too.
OTTENBERG: Yeah, the big, fluffy, feathery coat. I don’t even know if it’s feathers, but I like it.
RYDER: The shoes are really fab too, there was a red pair and a green pair. You know what I’m talking about?
RYDER: Want those.
OTTENBERG: Fuck yeah.
RYDER: Everything was gorgeous.
OTTENBERG: What are you doing tonight?
RYDER: Going to this party. Hopefully not sleeping.
OTTENBERG: Plug the movie, man.
RYDER: The Sweet East is opening in Paris.
OTTENBERG: Oh, I love The Sweet East. It’s a real movie.
RYDER: It’s a movie.
OTTENBERG: I saw it at the IFC. I went alone and loved it. I love a fairytale. Have you ever seen Wild At Heart? It’s like that. Was it fun filming it?
RYDER: It was the best experience of my life. Earl [Cave]’s like one of my best friends now and same with Jeremy [O. Harris].
OTTENBERG: Also, isn’t it so beautiful that you can leave your phone and life can happen?
RYDER: We did. Earl and I don’t have iPhones anymore. It was wasting my time. A flip phone in New York is awesome too, because I know how to get anywhere so it’s not like I need a map.
OTTENBERG: To clarify, in The Sweet East, Talia just leaves her phone and has the most insane life trajectory. She loses her phone and she also doesn’t care. And like, shit happens without your phone, babe.
RYDER: Shit happens when you put the phone down.
OTTENBERG: Alright, I think you’re the best and you look great.
RYDER: You’re the best, thank you.