Your weekly horoscope is here. We’re knee-deep in the land of the lotus eaters, aka Pisces season. With your eyes wide open and your air tank locked and loaded, dive into your week with reverence and faith in something bigger than yourself. Midweek we have a rare triple convergence of the Sun (identity), Saturn (structure), and Mercury (communication) in the sign of Pisces (emotional sensitivity and transcendence). Crystalize your artistic, mystic, or altruistic goals and create form and function in your flow. Note what you’re drawn to and define healthy boundaries to contain your dreams, which could be getting enough sleep. What epiphanies occur? It’s all in the feeling, so feel dear Glamazon, feel deeply; let your feelings flow as they’re the source of your power, strength, and magic.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of February 25 through March 2, 2024.
With a heightened focus in your Zen zone, this is your week to nail down your R&R. It’s essential to take time out to recoup, dream, and get in touch with yourself. Lock it down and stand by your need for me-time. Dreams and intuitive intelligence may be too hard to ignore, so take notice. Consider your gift of self to the collective good and maintain an attitude of selflessness no matter what that is. There’s no judgment here, and our contributions are equal, so dedicate yours to the higher good rather than ego. Look within and notice what is surfacing for you, especially around midweek. This is a fantastic time to immerse in your imagination and create from a place of soul or be transported by others’ artistic gifts.
Consider an act of service for a common interest group, a group with shared goals, or a circle of friends. What role are you called to step into for their common good? Throw your ideas in the ring because while not making it about you in an ego-driven way, in the end, you’re representing when you align authentically with the group. You shine through guiding your community to shine. If nothing else, this is a great week to catch up with a particular circle or dip your toe into a new one. Attend a group or class with a focus on transcending the mundane everyday reality. Losing your ‘self’ to a higher purpose or higher state of mind through discipline is also beneficial. There’s a mystic/artistic and emotional receptivity to this week that’s hard to beat. Enjoy clarifying your feelings and your vision.