Your weekly horoscope is here. Into the vortex we go, it’s officially eclipse season with Monday’s full moon reboot. Themes around relationships, dynamic duos, and a fair balance abound as Libra hosts this lunation. Consider doing your own thing vs enjoying harmonious partnerships. How can you have your cake and eat it too? Be ready to catch all these questions and more as they’re spotlit by la Luna’s beams. Meanwhile, feisty Mars, the planet of assertion, dons flippers as it dives into the sign of sensitive Pisces. Mix direct action and an iron will with your best mystic manifesting prowess for the win.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of March 24 through March 30, 2024.
It’s eclipse time, Aries, and this week it’s saying ‘Here’s looking at you, kid’ as it flicks the lunar switch off and then back on in your opposite sign and sphere of partnerships. Since full moons are about harvesting seeds sown six months prior on the new moon in the same sign, what did you initiate or call in then? And what are you harvesting from that time, now? A balance of polarities is the major theme of every full moon. This one suggests you keep on trucking in your personal and independent direction while shifting gears in your relationship sector to accommodate growth or changing circumstances. Your ruling planet Mars is less externally potent as it drifts through your sphere of sleep and dreams until March 30. Look inward to refuel through sleep, meditation, swimming, and assisting someone who could do with a hand.
As the full moon eclipses in your sphere of wellness and routines, it’s time to check on how you’re doing with those. At this point, there may be changes needed, or completely ditched. Is it time to revisit the drawing board on this one? What has been working, not working, or just not happening? Balance is key and so is a gorgeous environment you enjoy being in. It’s one thing to dream; it’s another to apply those ideals into reality that can never be as perfect. But that’s also the point. Dream and do. It’s the perfect combo. Apply the same theory for health routines, daily routines, and your work environment. Mars swaps out muscle for a mermaid tail as it goes aquatic in your friendship zone. Actively participating in communal events, especially if they’re musical, mystic, artistic, or philanthropic, is beneficial and energizing right through to April 30.