Your weekly horoscope is here. The workweek kicks off with a Mercury retrograde in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Yes, that’s also April Fool’s Day; the cosmos truly does have a sense of humor, doesn’t she? So, which script is ready for a rewrite? Include themes around independence, assertion, energy, fitness, mobility, and centering yourself with main character energy. Venus wears red as she makes the first move from Friday through the rest of April. This is your time to initiate, go on thrill-seeking adventures, and set your personal best.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of March 31 through April 6, 2024.
It’s all about you this month, so let’s double down as Mercury switches into reverse and retrogrades back through your sign! From the 1st, April Fool’s Day – yes, the cosmos has a sense of humor – through to April 25, note where and how you’re ready to switch tracks. The motto is: reflect and course correct. Give it a cosmic tweak or go in an entirely new direction. We’re also in the eclipse tunnel, and a period of time where your sign is ground zero for a number of lights-out moments. The last three weeks may hold the setup, and the next three are the period where you really want to make those changes. Venus heads into your sign on Friday, just in time for the weekend, so love, desire, joy, and beauty are in written your language. Dive right in! Activity and daring-do are attractor factors through to April 29.
It could be time to rethink your sleep patterns, Taurus. The planet of comms hits the reverse button as it begins a three-week retrograde in your sphere of dreams, the unconscious, and your connection to your higher self. This is dream diary time – note the signs that resonate and what you might benefit from shifting gears. Venus, your ruling planet, moves through each sign quickly, and this week she also heads into your sphere of slumber, so sleeping is even more pleasurable! It’s also quite lovely to spend some time alone in your own company from Friday. Bring beauty to your sleep or spiritual game and set your space up to spark joy. That could mean adding some warm reds or spicing up the design in a simple way or a complete makeover; you choose.