Meet the Changemaker Behind the Footballer

From his charity work with the Nelson Project to his clothing brand Riverslide, we meet the changemaker behind the persona everyone knows as English footballer Reiss Nelson.

Reiss Nelson, a London-born and bred Premier League footballer, currently playing for Arsenal. At least, that’s what most of us know him as. Yet, there are many layers from the 24-year-old athlete ready to be unfolded — he is eager to share his passions with the world and create a legacy that future generations can look up to for inspiration.

Whether through his charity work with the Nelson Project, his heartfelt passion for photography — capturing his teammates and friends on film and sharing his creative tone through his photography page @35mmnelz — or his clothing brand Riverslide, Nelson has a lot to say. He has much more to offer than just his impressive football skills, and we are ready to listen and learn.

Keep scrolling to meet the changemaker behind the footballer…

People know you as Reiss Nelson, the footballer, but in our conversation, I want to shed light on your other passions such as 35mnelz. What ignited your passion for photography?
My passion for photography kind of came from growing up and seeing old vintage cameras or photo books of my grandparents. So I just wanted to follow in their footsteps of carrying on that same family vibe. But that happened later down the line, when I was about 20. When I realised that me making it out of the hood into the premier league, and having no photos or videos of my life or family life to show the younger kids in my family what life was like for me. Pictures allow your brain to take you to that exact place, so from that moment I really just started shooting, most of the time my family and friends. Then 2 years later, I came across a picture on Instagram by Simon Wheatley, he posted a goal that I painted outside my old house on a brick wall because there was nowhere to play football with a goal. That picture took me back to the moment of being 10 years old again. I messaged him on Instagram that day, and a week later I was at his house. We became really good friends and he gave me all the tips on photography.

You mainly shoot on film as well, a beautiful way to capture moments. Do you have a favourite of your photography collection yet?
No favourite really. I think for me it kind of depends on the mood I’m in and what I’m feeling. But capturing different countries and cultures have probably been the most interesting and important to me at the moment. But If I’m being really honest, I’ve got a bad habit of losing hella rolls of film, haha.

You also have your own brand, Riverslide, what’s the inspiration or meaning behind the name?
Riverslide, the river runs through. It just means the journey, and how every person chooses to live theirs, is different. But for us, it’s just to make sure that whatever life throws at you, you just keep taking steps in the right direction. You don’t get discouraged or lose focus on that end goal. The inspiration I get from my brand is just everyday life. Going through certain experiences trying to build that into what I’m creating. To tell that story through my work of design, fashion, sport, music. Plus wanting to give back is something I love to do. So Riverslide allows me to do that in a creative way.

What inspired you to want to design?
Just being from the ends. Money was tight, you had to hustle and grind. Then having an older brother helped that, because I would always get his left over clothes which were too big [for me], so from then on really. Cutting clothes and making them into my size. Rocking certain tees that you just find lying around the house and making it work. So I think, from then, I always knew design and fashion is something I loved doing with limited resources.

If you had to choose 5 brands to wear all the time what would they be and why?
I rock so many brands, it just depends on what style I’m feeling for that day. But I like more the people behind [the brand] and to see their vision. But if I had to pick, then probably Ralph Lauren, Prada, Martine Rose, Ald, and Riverslide

Tell us about your charity work, the Nelson project, and your pitches in South London.
Yes, the Nelson Project is also something close to my heart. It’s a project that I’ve had in my head for some time. To give back to the community. Football pitches and safe spaces for young kids and adults to go chill and create for free. Something that I’ve seen now when going back to the ends is that there are no more youth clubs, no more pitches, everything has a price on it. Which is crazy to me.

Who or what would you say has really pushed the creative flare that has seen you take on photography and a brand?
It’s always been inside of me from a young age. But with football always being on top and being young, not really knowing myself yet, or anything other than football. Then a big change for me was when I went on loan and got injured. It made me realise there is so much more I can do with my time. Rather than sitting at the yard playing COD or FaceTiming the mandem. So I started to be creative and learn about design and fashion.

Reading all of this it is obvious you have no spare time! Football, fashion and photography; do you have a secret favourite?
Haha, nothing can compare to football! I love football probably more than my mum. No, I’m messing. But football allows everything else in my life to flow. It was my first love and always will be at the top of my list. But having Riverslide for example has allowed me to take that pressure off football, so I think it’s important for athletes or whoever just to have other passionate things they enjoy.

What’s your go-to thing to do when you do get some free time?
Spending time with family and friends. Travelling, eating Nandos and jollof rice, haha.

And finally, what do you want your legacy to be?
My legacy. I want to be remembered as a person who made a change. A person that the younger generation can see the work I’m doing and follow in my footsteps and know that they’re getting guided in the right way.

Brands Featured: A Cold Wall @ Machine-A; Y Project; Acne Studios @ Selfridges; Aime Leon Dore; Balenciaga; Margiela; Celine; Cartier; Miu Miu; Calvin Klein; Dries Van Noten; Vintz Shop; Nike.

Brands Featured: A Cold Wall @ Machine-A; Y Project; Acne Studios @ Selfridges; Aime Leon Dore; Balenciaga; Margiela; Celine; Cartier; Miu Miu; Calvin Klein; Dries Van Noten; Vintz Shop; Nike.
Words — Hiba Hassan @hibazizenia
Styling — Nayaab Tania / 9inety6ixagency @nayaabtania @9inety6ixagency
Production and Commission — @9inety6ixagency
Photography — Elliot Hensford @elliothensford
Creative Direction — Tj Slaw @tj.slaw1
Video — 7abudda @7abudda
Location — Nobu Hotel Portman Square @nobulondonportman

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