It’s important for you to remember that you are strong and capable of making it through difficult times. That said, it seems this situation is unavoidable, so don’t put off dealing with it just because you think it will go away later on. The time is now to face the moment head-on.
June 2024
Four of Wands: The month of June will be a month of togetherness for you. You are finally starting to align yourself with the right people and opportunities, and it shows! If there are any stragglers still in your social orbit that are dragging you down or making you feel like you need to change who you are in order to fit in, now is the time to part ways.
Instead, give more of your time and energy to the people in your life that are bringing out the best in you. You only know a small part of how good your life can get when you are in the wrong environments. In June, you are gaining traction on bringing dreams once you start setting proper boundaries.
May 2024
Temperance: The month of May is going to bring you several chances to exercise the word no as a complete sentence. You have gone down the path of lesson learning and difficulty more than a few times. Instead of sending yourself back down that road again, this month will offer you temptation beyond your wildest dreams. It will be your job to see the devil in disguise.
Allow yourself to take a breath before making a decision, but ultimately you know your worth and the path you are capable of following. You do not need to say yes to everything (or everyone) that looks good on paper. Instead, use that superhuman intuition of yours to excuse yourself when the vibes are off. There are no excuses needed when you are answering only to yourself.
April 2024
Page of Pentacles: Cancer, you are starting to learn that sometimes life needs you to take action and focus on the tangible parts of reality rather than your thoughts and feelings. It’s not that the way you’re thinking or feeling doesn’t matter, but it’s not going to get you from point A to point Z. The most important thing for you to do this month is put one foot in front of the other and pick up momentum toward the tasks that are truly important.
You don’t want to get to the end of the road and say, “I always wanted to do this thing, why didn’t I just follow through when I had the time?” This is your nudge from the universe to put yourself into the driver’s seat and start to press the gas. This will be especially important when Mars enters Aries on April 30. In short, it’s go time for your dreams and goals.
March 2024
Six of Wands: This is a month for celebration and putting yourself in the position to be recognized for Cancer! Your hard work has finally paid off, and although you’ve always known of your potential, others are finally catching up with you. You might receive a bonus, raise, promotion, or work opportunity that finally changes your life.