Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

The Thursday quiz summer of shrinkflation continues the trend for shorter quizzes, but this week is always one of the favourite Thursday quizzes of the year. It is the annual Willow week! Every question has been set by the official dog of the Thursday quiz. Remember, it is just for fun, and since there are fewer questions than usual, every answer carries a lot more pressure with it. Think of it as the penalty shootout of Thursday quizzes. Guess well!

The Thursday quiz, No 171 – Willow week!

  1. 1.Willow enjoyed the opening ceremony at the Olympics, but can never remember the name Lady Gaga was given at birth. What was it?

  2. 2.Willow wants you to tell her what Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez revealed after her fencing contest …

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  3. 3.Willow knows down to her toe beans that Nusantara is shortly to be inaugurated as the new capital city of where?

    The toe beans of Willow, the official dog of the Thursday quiz

  4. 4.Talking of purpose built capital cities, Willow knows it is the anniversary of Islamabad becoming the capital of Pakistan. But where was Pakistan’s capital from 1947 to 1959?

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  5. 5.Willow knows that Dance of the Knights is one of the most famous pieces of music from a ballet and that Alan Sugar really likes it, but when did Sergei Prokofiev premiere Romeo and Juliet?

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  6. 6.Like most men apparently, Willow thinks about the Roman empire every single day. The year of the five emperors saw Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus, and Septimius Severus all claim the title of Roman emperor. Which year?

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  7. 7.Willow worries about nuclear accidents, and knows that a big one happened at Three Mile Island in 1979. Which US state is the Three Mile Island nuclear generating station located in?

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  8. 8.Willow is hiding from her fictional GCSE film studies exam. If you were taking your fictional GCSE film studies exam, what answer would you give to the question “Who regulates the UK film industry?”

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  9. 9.Willow has never been to Vietnam, but she wants you to tell her if she visited Ho Chi Minh City, would she be in the north of Vietnam or the south?

    Willow, the official dog of the Thursday quiz

  10. 10.You probably didn’t know it was Chuck D’s birthday today. But Willow did. He is best known as part of which hip-hop group?

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  11. 11.Dogs are not renowned for their maths skills. Willow can’t remember what type of angle in a triangle is smaller than 90 degrees. Tell her

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  12. 12.Willow is exhausted by asking all these questions, but one last thing haunts her dreams. She wants to know how much the French spent on a banquet for King Charles III last year, which was just revealed in an audit report

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

If you really do think there has been an egregious error in one of the questions or answers then tough, you can’t email the quiz master because he isn’t working today, and anyway, Willow’s word is final. Enjoy one of the best pop videos about a dog instead …

Golden Retriever by Super Furry Animals

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