Image may contain Adult Person Accessories Bag Handbag Clothing Pants Glasses Footwear Shoe and Pedestrian

Jennifer Lawrence saw the return of ballet flats—the notoriously un-supportive, sweaty, stinky shoe craze of the mid-2000s—and said, “I can top that.” With jelly shoes. Those jelly fisherman sandals that were popular in the ‘80s, and then for a second in the ’90s, and basically once every seven years or so we rediscover their whimsical cuteness before remembering that they give you the sweatiest soles and worst blisters of your life. This is brave, J. Law. Brave and bold.

The Oscar winner and casual style maven took to the streets of New York City, where humidity is currently 91%, in loose white slacks, a butter yellow button-down over a white tank, a straw bag, a stone pendant necklace, and clear jelly shoes. It’s giving cool aunt who makes her own bread. It’s giving favorite art teacher on her way to the studio. And it’s cute, it works, it’s all good, but Jen, hon, do you need some Birkenstocks? I’ll send you Birkenstocks. Once you wear them in, so comfy! Jelly shoes do not wear in. They just stay plastic foot prisons.


Ultimately, Jennifer Lawrence is gonna wear what Jennifer Lawrence is gonna wear. Studded flats on a CitiBike? She will, she has. The “I Told Ya” shirt? She did, she told ya. Bringing back the enormous boho bags that had us all walking lopsided for a decade? She’ll do it, don’t even try and stop her. She can pull off pretty much any look, and I love that she’s been leaning toward breezy, low-maintenance ensembles rather than the done-up “aesthetic” and “-core” concoctions her starlet peers have to wriggle in and out of.

Lawrence even added the controversial “millennial socks” to her loafers, which are both comfortable and prevent rub. Which again begs the question…are jelly shoes back for real? because if so, I’m gonna need a bucket of Band-Aids, stat.

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