And then when Jenn started speaking Yiddish words, I was like, “Oh, wow!”
I was like, “Where’d you get this from?” That was impressive!
So let’s talk about your hometown date. Do you wish it had gone differently, if anything?
No, I never wish that things had gone differently. I don’t blame my mom for asking the tough questions. She could be skeptical. I wanted her to trust me also. And she does trust me in the fact that if I bring Jenn back, she knows I like her a lot. But that doesn’t mean my mom is not going to ask the question she wants to ask.
She’s a little stubborn like I am, and I’m not going to not say something that I want to say. And by the way, I don’t think my mom ruined anything for me. I think it made Jenn really think about stuff. But watching it all back, I’m like, “Okay, she did have real connections with the other three guys.” It wasn’t fun to watch it back and hear that Jenn thought it was a hard day because while it happened, I thought we were having so much fun. But it is what it is.
How did this experience change you, especially with relationships going forward?
I don’t think it really changed me. I went into this with the same mindset I go into dating with, which is let me learn to know someone. I think you need to be friends first before obviously thinking about engagement. I don’t want to force drama. I also don’t want to force fun. I just want to let things happen. And that’s how I played this season and that’s how I’m going to play the rest of my life for finding someone.
What’s next for you? Would you want to go on Bachelor in Paradise?
I would definitely consider it, but…it’s still [almost a year away]. I take it day by day. And if they offered it to me and I’m single and it seems like the right choice, then yeah, I’ll do it.
In the meantime, what’s your daily life like?
[On the show, my job description said] real estate investor, which is true, but I run sales for a property management [group], so within real estate.
Ricky Middlesworth/Disney
And what has it been like now that people are recognizing you from this show?
I was in San Diego and everyone recognized me. But in New York, where I spend most of my time, no one gives a shit. Everyone’s so preoccupied with their own lives. They walk fast by you. I mean, I’m recognized, but it’s way more calm.
And after last Monday’s episode, have you gotten any feedback from fans?
I mean the amount of DMs from Jewish mothers being like, “You should date my daughter.” It’s crazy. It’s crazy.
Would you take any of them up on it?
Yeah, maybe. I even said this on the show, but historically, I’ve dated Christian girls. It’s just sort of by chance. But if there’s a good Jew out there, I’m down for that. It makes it easier.