However, you must know that it’s okay to be upset when loss happens. Often, the less you judge and intellectualize pain, the more quickly you’ll find yourself on the other side of it. So try to do something kind for yourself in the process of grieving. Even something as simple as ordering soft new sheets, watching your favorite comfort show, or calling a trusted friend can help to lessen the load. Lean on the things that you know will bring joy.
June 2024
Three of Swords: There is a sense of purging happening this month, Aries, and it’s going to take some effort on your end to realize where you’ve led yourself astray. When others hurt or disappoint you, that doesn’t mean you need to take all of the responsibility in order for things to resolve, but it does mean that you need to make some new choices in order for things to change.
Setting boundaries, removing yourself from unhealthy situations, or forgiving the version of you that said yes to those people or things is vital now in your process of moving on. Are you willing to acknowledge your part in this?
May 2024
Page of Pentacles: You are finally realizing that it’s more important to be honest with the people around you than it is to impress them. You don’t have to choose who is more powerful each time you connect with someone. Instead, let this month be a reminder to you that you and the people you enjoy both have strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect, but no one needs to play the victim either.
You are the master of your own reality, and the more that you can learn to live in the “gray space,” the less time you have to spend worrying about where you stand in the rankings. You are opening up to the concept of oneness this month as you start to shed compassion on yourself and all of the younger versions of you. This helps you to be more patient and understanding with others too. So don’t be afraid of the moments where life asks you to step down from the seat of the teacher and into the seat of a student again. Get excited and curious instead.
April 2024
Ace of Swords: I see this month having a major milestone moment for you that you’ll remember for years to come. There is no better time than the present for you to get your things together and say, “Onward and upward.” You might be faced with an unexpected move, a transition from a job, or the reallocation of your time from someone back to yourself. Don’t take this as a punishment. Instead, do what you do best, Aries: Look at life as a journey and get ready to take a big leap.
With the Ace of Swords, you might even be signing contracts or having something written down to signify this next chapter beginning. If no one else has encouraged you to write it down, this is your sign to grab a journal, a postcard, or some polaroid photos and make a note. They might come in handy someday later down the road.
March 2024
Three of Pentacles: You are going to be brought into a collaborative environment this month where you will have to put your pride aside and listen to the other members of your group in order to thrive. It can be easy to get into the mindset of thinking you have it all figured out, but the more that you can sit back into the seat of a student, the more you will learn. Other people are coming to this very same moment with you to share their perspectives and lived experiences—which might end up being very helpful for finding a solution!