Good for you.
JLC: So, I just called Margo up one day. Okay, now Margo, you tell the rest.
Margo Martindale: I answer the phone. She says [in a deep voice], “Hi, this is Jamie Lee Curtis.”
JLC: Wow. I didn’t say it that aggressively.
MM: Well, no. [In a regular voice] “Hi, this is Jamie Lee Curtis.”
JLC: There, you go. Better.
MM: It was friendly. She wasn’t being…
JLC: …a longshoreman.
MM: No, you weren’t, but I was. And her being her, she said, “I thought, who is like me that could do this role?” And she said, “Margo Martindale.” I said, in my head, “In what world am I like Jamie Lee Curtis?”
JLC: In this world, right here.
MM: And she said, “So you’re going to do it.” I said, “Well, I’m going to have to read it.” And she said, “No, you’re going to do it.”
Did she really? Like that?
MM: Uh-huh.
JLC: I might have.
MM: I said, “Well, we need to work out all the things that get worked out [in negotiations], but…” And then I said, “I’m probably going to do it, but I’ve got to read it first.”
Jamie, you’re clearly not taking no for an answer, correct?
JLC: Well, there was no “no” for an answer. Meaning, obviously if she said, “I can’t because I’m doing another TV series,” you go, “Oh, bummer.” But we had already done the due diligence to understand she was not committed to another TV series which would have put her out of the running.
MM: Once I did it read it, it was the most different from other scripts I was reading at the time—and the most fun.