Isabel Marant Bekett heels are back. They’re shoes I once wouldn’t be caught dead in, and more recently, have scoured Poshmark for. Lucky for me, the brand sent over a sample of their recent reissue so I could live out my 2010 Tumblr fantasy. Trigger warning: this story features big shades, slouchy sweaters, and skinny jeans. Enjoy!
My Isabel Marant Bekett heels have arrived just in time for my second major outing of the week. I finally have an excuse to wear my vintage skinny jeans. It’s called “recession glam,” people!
I put the shoes on and shriek a little. The soles are cushioned. I needed this.
I feel like LiLo. I could go on a three day bender in these shoes. I could walk all the way to the office. Too bad it’s so fucking cold.

Isabel Marant
“Are those the Isabel Marant sneaker heels?” My colleague asks. Why yes, yes they are.
I take a little work break and watch the “Love on Top” video. Beyoncé is busting a move in her Beketts. I’m no professional but I do think it’s harder to dance flat-footed, and these Marant heels have a super gentle pitch.
It’s literally sofuckingcold but I decide to put my new sneakers to the test and walk twelve minutes to dinner. Yes, I’m that lazy. No, my feet don’t hurt. Actually, they’re warm.
I walk into Corner Bar and kick up my back leg like a dumb bitch posing for a photo. “Do you guys like my shoes?” I ask the stylish gay men I’m about to eat with. “Fab!” Says one. “Oh wow,” says the other.
I walk into Kings Leap. A friend complements my sneaker heels. Another tells me I’m, “Not that tall.” I tell him he’s rude and graciously turn on my cushioned heel. Some things have to be sacrificed for comfort.
I plop down on the couch and start working again. “You’re still wearing your shoes?” My husband asks. I hadn’t even noticed.